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Many expectations, 
Frequent disappointments
Even awkward situations
That's waiting for her.

At least that's what she thought
All her life.

And maybe that's why,
That's why she tried to escape
From the destiny 
From fate
From love 
From attachment.

But little did she know that 
This time,
This time it was a fated love.


As soon as Ayana went upstairs, Azeen grabbed Imraan's arm before making him turn towards her. Harshly.

"Have you lost your mind?!"
She yelled.
"Is this the way to behave with your wife?"

"She was insult-"

"That's between me and her!"
Cutting him off, Azeen said.
"Who told you to interfere with us?!"

"Zee, I-"

"You what, Imraan? Whatever she said wasn't hundred percent wrong. She's right. I should have acted more maturely. I shouldn't have handed my work to you who already had a lot of things going on around him."
Azeen said guiltily before looking at him.

"You shouldn't have shouted at her like that. You shouldn't have made a scene in front of everyone. Of all people, I never expected this behavior from you."
Saying Azeen left the villa. 
"I'm disappointed in you."

Just as she was disappointed with Imraan, she was embarrassed and angry at herself too. 

Once she left Imraan sighed. He was frustrated and annoyed with the whole situation. Thinking of getting out to get some fresh air to clear his mind, he put his hand on the pocket in search of the key. Realizing that it was in his room he shut his eyes.

He didn't want to go to the room and face Ayana. Not yet. That look… her hateful glare unknowingly was making him guilty. 

Having no other choice he climbed upstairs. Standing in front of his room he took a breath before entering.

As soon as he entered the room, out of nowhere a pillow hit his face. Hard.


Before he could recover, Ayana started to hit him with the other pillow. 


"You retarded piece of rotten tomatoes!"
Ayana cursed while hitting him.


"Ouch, Ayana!"

"You Muckspout! How dare you yell at me? That too in front of the outsiders! How dare you!!! "
Ayana screamed, still hitting him.

"Stop! Oww, Ayana! Stop!"
At last, Imraan somehow stopped her by holding her arm.

"Leave my hand, you zounderkite!"
Ayana screamed at the top of her voice. She was furious with him.
"I'll peel your skin from your body!"

"For God's sake, woman! Let me talk before you go crazy."
Imraan semi-yelled while trying to stop Ayana from beating him.
"And what the hell is zounderkite?"

"It means stupid, you moron!"

"Hey! Stop verbally abusing me!"
Imraan frowned. 

"If I don't then what? Huh? What will you do?"
Ayana yelled before pushing him on the bed with all her force.

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