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Do read the previous chapter if you haven't read it. :)

When was it?
I don't
Even remember
When you entered my life
But since then
I can't go to sleep
My heart kept sinking
Because of your heart.

Your Bright smile
Is so heartwarming to me
I've never felt this way before
Maybe because I never loved somebody like crazy before,
Maybe because I never loved somebody to death before,
But now that I do,
I won't let you go,
Not now, nor ever.
I will love you

~ Ayana Malik.


Ayana's hands trembled as the blood-stained clothes slipped from her grasp and fell to the ground.The chilling realization that Zafar had arranged this twisted display of violence was enough to send shivers down her spine. Ayana was growing more terrified as she sought to comprehend the depth of his malicious behavior and the extent he would go to in order to impose control over her.

With trembling fingers, she hastily dialed Imraan's number, her heart pounding in her chest. As the phone rang, her anxiety mounted, but there was no answer from Imraan on the other end. Panic began to grip her as she redialed the number, her mind racing with worst-case scenarios.

"Please, Imraan, pick up."
Ayana whispered urgently, her voice tinged with desperation.

But still, there was no response from him, and the silence on the other end only intensified her fear. She felt a rising sense of helplessness as she paced the cabin, her thoughts a whirlwind of anxiety and dread.The blood-stained clothes and the ignored phone call combined to create a terrifying scene that mirrored the nightmare situation she was in.

Unable to stay in that horrifying state, she rushed out of the hospital. But as soon as she reached outside the hospital, her eyes widened in shock and disbelief when she spotted Imraan stepping out of the car.

Imraan, who wanted to surprise his wife by flying back unannounced, gave Ayana a warm and welcoming smile as his gaze locked with hers.

Imraan's voice trailed off as Ayana ran towards him, her emotions overflowing and her relief palpable. His surprise was momentarily forgotten as he opened his arms, ready to catch her as she practically threw herself into his embrace.

"Woah, woman! Did you miss me that much?"
He teased her.

However, his lighthearted teasing was met with Ayana's silence, her grip on him tight and her emotions too raw for words. He felt her trembling against him and his playful demeanor quickly shifted to one of concern.

"Ayana, what happened? Are you okay?"
He held her at arm's length, his hands framing her face as he looked into her eyes, searching for the answer he needed.

Ayana's gaze met his, her eyes revealing the fear and distress she was feeling.
"Why are you so early?"
As Ayana hesitated to share the details of her encounter with Zafar, she shifted his focus.

"Why? Aren't you happy to see me?"
Imraan grinned as he looked at her, his playful side surfacing.

"How can you just come without calling first?!"
Ayana's frustration was evident in her tone. Her anger was a mix of relief and annoyance, a response to the rollercoaster of emotions she had experienced recently.

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