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Jealousy and small arguments
That was not a problem
Because even if the start was
Awkward and clumsy
The ending was
Beautiful and happy.

Because it was the ending
That mattered the most.
And with that, they realized that
It was their time
Finally their time
To move on.
To love, hug and smile.


"Here's the list of the doctors who'll be going for the training."
The director of the hospital gave a shortlist to Nila.

"I'll instruct them on the basics then."
Saying Nila was about to take her leave but then stopped. This was the time, the perfect time to disclose to her father about Saad. Should she tell her father about them?

"Nila? Do you have anything to say?"
Her father, the director, asked to see his daughter debating whether to say something to him.

Slowly Nila turned towards him before gathering her courage.
"Dad, I..."

Nila took a breath before rephrasing herself.
"What if you heard that I have someone whom I want to spend the rest of my life with? Would you approve of him?"

Closing the file that he was going through, her father looked at her with his experienced eyes.
"Are you-"

"It's just a hypothetical question."
Quickly Nila added.

Her father continued to look at her before answering,
"I might approve..."
Nila's eyes sparkled in hope.
"...if he met my and your mom's criteria then definitely we'll approve."

As soon as he completed, Nila looked down disheartened. Her parent's criteria include one to have not only a stable, respectable job but also to have an impressive family background along with being rich like them. Although Saad does fulfill the criteria of having a great, stable job, still he doesn't meet the other criteria.

"I'll go and give instructions about the training."
Changing the topic, Nila said.

Her father nodded before calling her.

Nila looked at him questionably.

"Shihab is a good guy. I'm not saying it just because he's my best friend's son, but because I have seen him growing up. He's a gem of a guy."
Her father spoke with a tender voice.

"Are you saying that I should agree to the proposal?"
Without beating the bush, Nila asked.

"No. The final decision is of course yours but if you agree with the proposal then I would be glad."
Her father concluded, making her chuckle at her ironic fate.

Her father was basically telling her to get married to Shihab.

"I'll think about it."
Saying she walked out of the room.

Going to the reception, she handed over the shortlist before asking one of the nurses to bring all the doctors into the auditorium for the meeting. Once she was done explaining, she was about to go to her cabin when on the way she met Ciam, the intern, who with a dissatisfied stare muttered, "Hmph!" It was the fourth time he did that.

Nila narrowed her eyes at him which he ignored. Unable to understand why he was being like this, Nila said.
"Ciam! Come with me to the rooftop."

He asked with an uninterested look.

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