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Like the starlight in the night sky
You happen to be there.
At first, I didn't care
And just go with the flow
But then slowly I started wishing 
Wishing that times spent with you 
Would pass more slowly.
And eventually,
I started wanting to do everything with you
While protecting you.

And now 
Even if the rough rain drops
Hurt you, 
I wish to hold you
Until I can block it all off.
Even if painful hardships
Are in your way, 
I wish to protect your smile.
Even if the sunset at night
Blocks your way,
I wish to gather the stars 
From the edge of the sky 
And give it to you. 
Even if sad feelings
Make you cry sometimes, 
I wish to embrace
Even all those moments.



In the morning

"Did M&S Garments propose any deal to you?"
Sitting at the dining table, Rayyan asked Imraan who was already sitting there. Beside him, Ayana was small talking with her twin. 

All were waiting for breakfast.

"Yeah, they did. The deal is quite tempting so I might accept it."
Imraan replied.

"Before making any decision, make sure to do some research on them. M&S are known for breaking their deals at the last moment."
Mr. Malik advised from his experience.

Just then Mrs. Malik along with her two daughter-in-laws came out of the kitchen with breakfast. Once the dishes were set on the table, they sat beside their respective husbands as everyone started to help themselves with the breakfast while having small talk.

Ayana looked at the jug of juice that was kept between Mr. Malik and Imraan who were intimately talking about some business. She really wanted to drink it but at the same time didn't want to interrupt their conversation and so thought of asking for the jug of juice later. She looked down at her plate when she felt someone taking her glass away.

She looked to her right to see Imraan filling her glass with juice still talking with her father. Without looking at her, he smoothly kept her glass in front of her without interrupting his conversation with Mr. Malik before putting bread on her now empty plate. 

The act wasn't anything grand but simple still she couldn't help but feel a tingling sensation in her heart. Mumbling a small 'thanks' she took her glass and was about to drink the juice when her eyes met with her sister-in-laws who were already looking at her with a teasing smile. Clearing her throat, she immediately put on a poker face before ignoring their looks.

Mrs. Malik who noticed this small yet sweet gesture between her son-in-law and daughter couldn't help but feel a kind of assurance and satisfaction. 


"Let's take my car."
Coming out of Malik Mansion, Imraan said to Ayana. After all, they were going to the Quraish Villa so why not go together?
"Later I'll send someone to pick your car up."

"I need to go somewhere before going to the Villa."
Ayana replied.

"Where? I thought today was your day off."
Imraan asked confusedly.

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