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Days I broke down crying,
Exhausted from loneliness
Because of people
Who looked down at me and said things
Because of those things,
I couldn't fall asleep
It made me struggle
But I kept all those things inside my heart,
Silently getting hurt while pretending to be ignorant.

That time it was not a problem
Because I was used to getting hurt
But not anymore.
Because now,
I have you.
I have hope.
Hope that
You'd help me to overcome this pain.
Hope that
You'd save me from being frozen with fear.
And with this hope,
Unknowingly I started to depend on you.

So you better don't run away.
Hold my hand and not let me go
Because I don't want to cry out of loneliness
Not anymore
And so I need you.

~ Ayana.


The birds cropped as the sun was beaming through the hospital blinds, causing Imraan to wake up.

"What a beautiful morning!"
Imraan mumbled with his sleepy eyes while looking outside at the window.

He was about to stretch out his uninjured arm but felt a restraint. Looking at his right side, he saw Ayana sleeping in a sitting position as her head rested on the cabin's bed just beside his hand which she was holding.

'Did she sleep holding my hand the entire time?'
He thought as he looked at her peacefully sleeping.

At first, Imraan thought to nudge her but then seeing her tired face he thought otherwise. Just then a knock was heard.

"Dr. Ayana, the surgeries are-"
The nurse stopped looking at Imraan who with his finger indicated to muffle her voice.

"Oh sorry."
The nurse apologized, eyeing an asleep Ayana.

"The surgeries will start from 10 am instead of 8 am."
The nurse whispered to Imraan who nodded before whispering back.
"Alright. Will inform her."

Smiling at the couple, the nurse went away. Once she went away, Imraan looked back at Ayana. Usually because of her leaf brown hair plunged over her shoulder, Ayana's face, most of the time, hides behind her wavy hair. But now seeing her sleeping so defenselessly and peacefully while her hair loosely tied on a bun, Imraan couldn't help but stare at her deeply.

Unintentionally, he shifted his face closer to hers as he examined the details of her angelic face. Her slender eyebrows, velvety eyelashes, heart-shaped lips, dainty nose standing prominently on her glossy skin... everything about her was perfect.

While he was busy admiring her face, Ayana moved in her sleep before slowly fluttering her eyes open. Seeing Imraan's face so close to hers, Ayana couldn't help but squeal as she swiftly tried to raise her head only to bump into Imraan's, causing him to groan in pain.

"God, woman! Ouch!"
Imraan groaned.
"Is your head made of stone or what?"

"Oh my! I'm sorry!"
Ayana said, panicking while massaging Imraan's head.
"I saw your face and I-I freaked out."
Ayana rambled.

"What do you mean by you freaking out? Do I seem ugly to you?"
Imraan yelled. How dare she freak out seeing his model-like face?

"No-No! I mean-"
Ayana takes a breath to compose herself, before narrowing her eyes at him.
"Why were you so close? Were you trying to take advantage-"

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