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It was so strange,
That his face kept getting hot.
As his head was full of her
He sees her all day
But then he misses her again.

The cold wind and the pouring rain
Everything felt lovely to him
It's like the whole world was shining on him
Just like a happy heart.

And in all this he realized that
All he wanted was her
He knew from the beginning
That she was the one who pulled him in like destiny.
However, he was afraid that
This was all a dream

He knew he lacked a lot
But still can't help wishing that
She'd stay with him.
Although he lacked so much
He still stayed by her side.
Because he knew if he stayed with her,
The one who always understood him,
He'll be happy even during the hard days.


Ayana walked into the room, carrying a cup of coffee, and noticed her husband still sleeping on the bed. It was a well-deserved weekend morning for him after a busy week at work. As she placed the coffee on the side table, Imraan's phone buzzed, indicating a new message. At first, Ayana thought to ignore it but then when it buzzed for a couple of more times, she couldn't contain her curiosity and picked up the phone only to see a text from Imraan's boss, asking about some work-related matter.

Fed up at this boss of Imraan's always disturbing their peaceful time, she decided to reply not wanting to disturb Imraan during his much-needed rest.

Hi, this is Ayana, Imraan's wife.
It's the weekend, and he's taking some time off to relax and recharge. I would really appreciate it if you could kindly address this matter on Monday when he's back at work. Thanks!

Ayana hit the send button hoping that Imraan's boss will understand and respect their personal time together. She placed the phone back on the side table and settled into the nearby armchair, waiting for her husband to wake up, not before deleting the text from his phone to avoid unnecessary lectures.

A few minutes later, Imraan stirred and rubbed his eyes, looking a bit disoriented.
"Morning! What time is it?"
Lazily yawning he wished her.

"Good morning, sleepyhead! It's almost 10:00 AM."
Smiling, she replied.
"You had a good rest?"

"Oh, it's great to sleep in on weekends. Thanks for letting me catch up on some sleep."
Stretching, he replied.

"Of course! You deserved it after a busy week at work."
Playfully Ayana said.
"Now freshen up quickly before the breakfast becomes cold."

Nodding, Imraan went to the washroom to freshen up whereas Ayana went in the dining room.

While having breakfast, the couple was having small talks when Ayana's phone rang. It was her mother.

"Assalamualaikum, mom! How-"
Mrs. Malik said something from the other side, making Ayana's eyes widened.

"Alright, alright. I'm coming asap."
Saying Ayana cut the call making Imraan worriedly look at her.

"Is everything alright?"
Imraan asked.

"Reeha's water broke. She has been taken to the nearby hospital."
Ayana announced getting up.
"I have to go."

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