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My painful memories
Are forgotten
With your love
My precious person


In the quiet hospital room, the soft hum of machines and the gentle flow of time were the only constants. Ayana lay in the hospital bed, her once-vibrant presence now subdued by the stillness of her unconscious state. The room was bathed in a serene, diffused light, casting a tranquil aura that belied the underlying anxiety and hope that filled the hearts of those who cared for her.

Imraan sat by Ayana's bedside.
"Good morning!"
Gently holding Ayana's hand, Imraan began, his voice tender and filled with warmth, a soothing presence in the quiet hospital room.
"I hope you can hear me, even though you're still resting. It's a beautiful day outside, just the way you like it. The sun is shining, and there's a gentle breeze that rustles the leaves on the trees. You always loved the simple joys of life, and I find myself cherishing them more than ever now.

He paused for a moment, his thumb tracing gentle circles on the back of her hand.
"I went for a walk this evening. The park was filled with the colors of spring, and I couldn't help but remember all those times we spent there, talking, laughing."

Imraan's eyes glistened with unshed tears as he continued to share the details of his day with her.
"It's not the same without you, Ayana. Nothing is."

"I know you're strong, Ayana. You've faced challenges before, and you've always emerged even stronger. So, when you're ready, please wake up. I'll be here waiting for you."

Imraan took a deep breath.
"We have so many more walks to take, plans to make, and laughter to share. So get up early, my love, and let's face each new day together."

He leaned down and gently kissed her forehead before settling back into his chair, his hand never leaving hers. His eyes bore the weight of sleepless nights and countless prayers, etched with worry and a profound longing for her to wake. He had been a constant presence by Ayana's side, for the last two weeks.

Yes, it's been two weeks since that day and exactly two weeks since Ayana slipped into a coma.

Family and friends had visited, offering their support and shared prayers. They saw Ayana's serene face as if she were lost in a deep and peaceful slumber, unaware of the world around her. The medical team had been working tirelessly, but there was no sign of her waking up. Not yet.

As the days turned into weeks, the room became a sanctuary of hope and patience, where time seemed to stretch and warp with each passing moment. Every beep of the machines, every sigh from Imraan, was a reminder of the fragile balance between despair and faith.

"Have you gotten any sleep, Imraan?"
Mrs. Malik asked her son-in-law as she and Mr. Malik entered the cabin.

Imraan looked up at Mrs. Malik with a weary but appreciative smile. His exhaustion was evident, however, he didn't reply.

"You also need to take care of yourself."
Mr. Malik placed a reassuring hand on Imraan's shoulder.
"You can rest for a while, Imraan. We'll stay with Ayana."

Imraan's life had become a relentless cycle of managing the company during the day and spending his evenings and nights at the hospital by Ayana's side. The weight of his responsibilities, coupled with the emotional toll of Ayana's condition, had left him physically and mentally drained. Despite his exhaustion, Imraan never complained. He knew that Ayana needed him, and he was determined to be there for her. Each day, he hoped for a sign, a small improvement, anything that would indicate that Ayana was on her way to waking up. Despite his exhaustion, Imraan never complained. He knew that Ayana needed him, and he was determined to be there for her.

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