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With his words and actions
he hurt her
He fed her
With his thoughts and ideas
And tried to control her
By using force.

She tried so hard
But always failed
To get out of his grasp.
She tried so hard
That she started bleeding,
She tried so hard
That she almost died
And then she realized
That to defeat him, that monster,
She had to become one first.


Reeha's heart pounded in her chest as her eyes darted around the dimly lit room. The very room where she was once kept after being captured by Zafar. Panic surged through her as she realized the dire situation she was in, and her thoughts immediately went to Mahrosh. Seeing the little girl locked up in the same place sent a wave of anger and protectiveness coursing through Reeha.

Reeha's voice trembled as she called out to her, who was sitting in a corner, her eyes wide with fear. Reeha rushed to Mahrosh's side and knelt down, wrapping her arms around her.

"It's okay, sweetie. Chachi(aunt):is here. We'll get out of here, I promise."

Mahrosh clung to Reeha, tears streaming down her cheeks.
"Chachi, I'm scared. Where are we? Why is this happening?"

Reeha held Mahrosh close, her own heart breaking at the sight of the little girl's fear. She took a deep breath, trying to stay strong for Mahrosh's sake.

"We're going to figure this out. I'll do whatever it takes to keep you safe."

Just then Zafar's mocking laughter echoed through the room, sending shivers down Reeha's spine. She held onto Mahrosh even tighter, shielding the young girl from Zafar's presence.

"Well, well, isn't this a touching scene?"
Zafar's voice was dripping with sarcasm as he leaned against the doorframe. His sinister smile made Reeha's stomach churn with a mix of fear and disgust.

Reeha's eyes narrowed as she glared at Zafar, her voice quivering with a mix of anger and determination.
"Why are you doing this?"

Zafar's smile only widened, his amusement evident.
"Ah, Reeha, always the brave one. I'm doing this because I want to show Ayana that she has to make a choice. A choice that will tear her apart, no matter what she decides."
Zafar's smile only widened, his amusement evident.
"And for that I need that lucky bastard of a husband of hers in my side."

"W-what do you mean? W-what are you going to do to Imraan bhai?"
Instead of replying, Zafar laughed. Reeha's fear grew as his laughter filled the room.

"Oh, Reeha, you really think I'm going to let him go that easily? After he took away, what was mine?"
Zafar leaned in closer, his eyes locking onto hers with a predatory gleam.
"Of course not. After all, he is going to be a part of my little game now, just like you two."

"What do you want from us?"
Reeha asked, her voice trembling.

Zafar's smile grew wider, and he whispered,

Reeha's heart sank as she realized the gravity of the situation. Zafar was using her and Mahrosh as pawns in his twisted game, forcing Ayana to make an impossible decision. He wasn't going to let any of them go without exacting his twisted revenge. Anger burned within her, but she fought to keep her emotions in check for Mahrosh's sake.

"Let Mahrosh go, Zafar. This has nothing to do with her."
Reeha pleaded, her voice trembling despite her best efforts to stay composed.

Zafar's eyes gleamed with a sinister light as he took a step closer.
"Oh, but you see, Reeha, everything has to do with Ayana. And as for letting her go, well, I will make sure that it solely depends on Ayana's choice."

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