ᴋɪssᴇs. : ✔️

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OLI: Cheek kisses. He loves the comfort it gives him and they always make him (at LEAST a little) blush, rather your alone or with the family, or the boys. It doesn't matter it's always a way to make him feel better

SEBASTIAN: His nose. Yes it does tickle but it makes him feel warm inside and of course he will give you his big Sebby smile to make sure you know he loves it. And if he's in a bad mood, or crying because of all the hate (Which- in your opinion he should never should get) you'll bring him into your room and let him get ontop of you, dig his head into your neck and let him cry as you talk it out. Eventually, you'll gently move you head and pick his up, giving his nose a little 'boop' before kissing it. Those are the memories he cherishes. So everytime you give him a little nose kiss, he always.. always feels amazing and cuddley. But of course, being Sebastian he has to act 'cool' infront of his STARS so sometimes he acts like it's all cool, but when the cameras off him he'll hug and kiss you until someone physically pulls him off of you. Which you are also kinda unset about, in a joking way of course.

REGIE: Bottom lip kisses. There's no specific reasoning to why he likes them. He just does. But the only reason you started kissing his bottom lip was because you loved to. Plump and pink, ready for yours to connect with his any time of the day. The first time, he found it quite weird, but then he found it sexy. But now he just sees it as a sign of love, from you to him.

DARREN: His lips. He'd always whine when you didn't give him attention. She he'd just lick you, which was practically normal at this point so you'd just chuckle and kiss his cheeks, and the his lips, slowly and you'd feel his smile in it making you all warm and nice. Sometimes he'd get insecure so you'd always kiss him to make him feel better.

JUSTIN: Lips. Justin is original, his lips fit perfectly on yours. His plump lips touching yours. And when he'd game on his PC while straight you'd barge in, stand right infront of the computer and give him pecks on his lips. Even if it caused him to loose a life- you didn't really care, he wouldn't make a big deal out of it, just slam his hand on his table and curse at the screen.

RYAN: His fingertips. The way you'd grab his pretty, long fingers and kiss his nails gently. Makingnhim feel all pretty and warm. He loved the way you randomly did that. You'd gently rub your finger on his veins, he found it calming and a sign of comfort.

KANE: His cheeks. Anytime he'd walk up to you you'd have an immediate reaction to just pinch his chincky little cheeks that you may or may not have a mental obsession over... He'd just giggle and kiss your lips before you pressing small kisses all over his cheeks. The guys would just stare and make fun of you (only you not Kane) when they did you'd stop and roast them right back, Kane would laugh and hug you from behind tightly.

luv, authory poo ☆

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