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:"ˢʰᵉ'ˢ ⁱⁿ ˡᵒᵛᵉ ʷⁱᵗ ʸᵒᵘ ᵇᵒʸ!"

The girl slowly walked to her bus stop as the sun peirced through some clouds. It was a sunny, yet cloudy day. The temperature was perfect, warm but windy. She preferred colder days but it was nice to have a warmer day.

She walked quietly as her headphones blasted some heavy metal.

But soon, she got to her destination. She stood there waiting patiently for a few minutes. Wind blew right through her hair as she breathed in the 80s summer smelling fragrances that came from all around. A few more people were scattered around her schools bus stop but they were all talking and waiting.

Yet she just stood there, no friends to talk to or text. No sibling companion to bother. Just her and her loud, banging music.

Which she would gladly chose over all of the above.

After a few more minutes of bobbing her head back and forth and tapping her finger to the beat, the bus had arrived. She'd never been to a school before, let alone get on a bus. But it's was still the first grading period so she still had a slight bit of confidence.

She got on, said a small 'hello' to the bus driver, and madebher way to a fully empty seat. The bus started to move and picked up a few more people, soem of which were a loud, annoying group of boys who kept yelling and hitting each other.

One of them threw something and it ended up hitting her forehead. Which is when she took out her headphones. The guys didn't even realize that someone was sitting the because she was bent down with her head nor body showing to the outside world.

One of did yell 'Sorry!' though, so she wasn't upset about it.

She listened to all the weird conversations between the guys, they were either dirty talking or funny talking. She did laugh at some of their come backs and jokes, and from those conversations, she did learn some of their names.

There was a Regie, an Oliver, and a Justin. But she didn't know who was who. She didn't really get the chance to even see their faces anyways.

So before the bus got to the school, she put her headphones on and went about her day.

The next day was about the same. Got up, got ready, and walked to the bus stop once more.

Her first day wasn't as bad as she had thought it'd be but it was still boring and embarrassing. All the teachers made her say her name, where she came from, and other stupid facts about her life that no one listened to. But, she still did it and them sat where she was told to.

But now, the sun was shining and the clouds were gone. Why not embrace it? So, she got on the bus with the smallest smile, said 'Hi' to the bus driver and sat in the same seat as the day before.

After a few stops, the annoying boys got on again. But this time they sat slightly closer to her, still about five seats away, but still closer.

But not enough for her to notice.

This bus ride, she decided to look outside. She moved the window down and a small breeze passed her face making her clsoe her eyes and relax to the fast beat blasting in her ears from her headphones. She put on a slight smile and opened her eyes. Sometimes she would move her toes to the beat or hum the chorus, or even move he rmouth to the lyrics. She really didn't care what people saw.

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