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:"ʰᵉʸ ˢʷᵉᵉᵗˢ ~"

Y/n slept soundly. Her mouth wide open letting air flow in and out, drolling on her pillow as a small cold breeze came in through the open window above her, the sun came through her dark curtains. Filling the room with light. A loud scream was heard, waking the seventeen year old up. Her body was spread out on her king sized mattress.

She moaned and groaned then screamed into her pillow. "YO! Y/N GET UP! SCHOOL TIME.!" Angel, her brother, yelled from the room over.


"YOU!" He yelled back from his bedroom.

She rolled her eyes. "NO- YOU, YOU FU-"

"BOTH OF YOU SHUT UP!!" Their mother yelled to her kids. Y/n and Angel groaned loudly together as Y/n started to get up out of her messily made bed. She quickly got up and got her school uniform on- which consisted of a unusually short skirt and matching button up- grabbing her bag and phone then headed down the stairs to meet her adoptive brother at the table.

Angel was practically shoving his toast in his mouth with his keys in his hands. She quickly grabbed a peice of toast and ran out the door. Angel quickly followed without another word. Angel drove her to school since it was on his way to his work anyways.

He drove, getting some Starbucks first, they both finished their drinks rather quickly before Angel pulled into the drop off area.

She said bye and hit her brother, sprinting out of the car and onto the school platform.

Immediately face planting into someone's chest. The chest was firm but soft. Covered in a silky material.

"Oh, shit- SORRY." Looking up, she saw a beautiful man, in a fancy suit and tie with work pants. God, was this man gorgeous- and she had yet to see the long black limo he'd arrived in.

He gently backed up a step, fixing his shirt under the black suit. His glasses on the tip of his nose, his jet black hair messy but clean on the sides, she saw a beautiful buterfly tattoo, detailed galore, very mesmarizing. His brown eyes looked at her as he smirked nicely. "Yer okay, sweets. Accident."

She practically fell to her knees right then and there.

"... so..rry." She breathed out.

He nodded and gave her another smirk, looking the girl up and down, which made her eyes widened and her heart speed up. "Yer fine baby.."

She froze, but he stepped out of her way and moved his arms, showing her that she should get into the building. "Be on your way."

She walked step by step away from the man, her facial expression stayed the same, shocked as hell. Her eyes stayed on him till she turn her face away and ran.

The man smirked as he followed her, but she was still shocked. When they both walked in Y/n saw her best friend waiting for her. She put on a big smile.

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