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OLIVER: WHO SAYS IT FIRST: He said it first. You two had went to the mall and you had bought a pair of cool pants that you immediately loved. When you went to pay, you and Oliver were just talking, but the cash register dude tried to slide.

"Hey," He said.

You looked to him. "Hi."

"Your total is 23.46. How was your day?" He asked, 'smoothly'.

"Amazing." You looked at Oliver and stuck in your card, paying the money.

Oliver smiled and gave you a hug. But the guy didn't back off. You took your card out as the guy kept staring at you. You were wearing just a hoodie and some sweats so it wasn't anything revealing or distracting to him. Oliver started to get annoyed, you were his date. I mean, had he not seen that Oliver snagged his arm around your waist and shoulder sevral times? Or was he just plain blind?

"Y/n." Oliver said, still hugging your waist from behind. The guy was packing up your pants still.

"Oli ~" You turned and smiled.

Oliver put his forehead on yours. "I love you."

Your eyes widened. "You do?"

He nodded. "A lot." You blushed and smiled.

"Well then I love you too Mr. Moy." You said as he pulled you into a short kiss. The guy obviously felt embarrassed, so he just handed you your bag and receipt and looked away. You grabbed the stuff and pulled Oliver by the hand. You immediately went to a photo booth and took some pictures.

SEB: Him. You two always said it because you were friends. But this time, he said it for real.

"I love you." Seb said, looking into your eyes.

You smiled like a nine year old being forced to in a family phot during Christmas or something, big and wide, which was obviously fake. "Love you tOo!"

"No, like- I really do. I love you Y/n." You stopped.

You sat confused with a boba in your hand. "Like.. love love..?"

"Yes, I love, love you."

You sighed. "Well good. It was bouta be hella akward if you rejected me.." you wiped off some nonexistent sweat from your forehead.

He also put in your guys' first kiss in this scene too.

REGIE: He did. You two went to a party, you had been best friends forever so of course he had to drag you to it. He got drunk almost immediately, slept with some girl, drank more, went back for a round two, played some beer pong, fell asleep on the couch, and woke up flat out drunk. You dragged him back to his car after a thirty minute cleaning session in the bathroom.

You started the car and brove him home, about three minutes into your drive Regie was messing with your shirt and giggling like a freshman girl getting hit on by a senior for the first time.

"Reg stop it- I'm tryna drive you drunkie." You said as he groaned.


"Hush." He stopped and turned to the window.

You got to the NSB household and had to literally carry him in. Once you got to his bed he was already half asleep. You put him to bed, but before he fell asleep, he let out some mumbles.

"Y/nnie ~"

"Reggie ~"

"I la youuu ~"

"You should wit yo heavy ah-" You chuckled about to walk away.

"No. Fer real, I luv you, so much." With that he was out like a light. You smiled to yourself and walked out.

'Bro got a girl twice tonight n still says that..'

He really makes you think.

DARREN: Well.. he tried. But before he could actually get it out, you said it. He was shuddering for like- three minutes so you stopped him.

"Listen- I.. Ireally like-.. uh- I really.." He took in a breath.

"Darren spit it out!" You joked as you giggled.

He rolled his eyes. "I'm trying you rat-"


He jumped to himself. "Wut,"

"I love you ~" You smiled. He blushed and you made fun of him for the rest of the night, and a few times after just for fun.

"Listen Y/n- I-" You studdered, mocking him.

"SHUT UP. LEAVE ME ALONE!!!" He whined.

RYAN: You said it. You guys were on his roof when you first started hanging out. You had come over to do some- (this is highschool,) homework your math teacher assigned to you guys. You two didn't even work on it at first because you just had to comment on the pretty sky. You both grabbed your things, a blanket, a flashlight and some snacks and headed out the window. You two ended up finishing your work after about only ten minutes and you guys just layed there and talked the whole time.


"Yeah?" He said, bluntly.

"I love you."

He nodded. "Okay."

You didn't talk after that, it stayed silent. A comfortable silence though. You put your head on his shoulder as the sun went down. He wrapped his arm around you. Of course you snagged a few photos, saving them and smiling. "I'm putting this as my wallpaper."

He nodded, "Okay."

You ended up totally falling alseep. "I love you too." With that he kissed you head and enjoyed the night sky.

JUSTIN: You did. In your defense, you were on call, and it just sort of slipped out. Plus, your thumb hit the hang-up button before you or him could say something else. He smile behind the phone screen like and idiot for about five minutes but then called you back.

Ring... ring..

"Hello? ~"

"I love you too."

Phaneniem💪: has hung up!

KANE: You both yelled it. It was Christmas day, you were with the boys and you all opened you gifts at the same time. You and Kane head left the special gifts for each other for private time. You both unwrapped them quickly, very excited.

You gave him something he'd bothered you about forever, but he didn't have the money at this time.

A lightsaber. A good one too, not one of those 10 dollar ones that break anytime they make contact with something.

And he got you your absolute favorite artists new album, which cost like- three hundred dollars alone. Since it had just came out. (Thats why he couldn't by his lightsaber.)

Both of your guys' eyes lit up, you both screamed joyfully. "O.M.G." Yes, Kane Ratan just said O.M.G.


"ME?! YOU DID NOT-" He yelled back back.

"I DID-"


"I LOVE YOU SO MUCH!!!!" You yelled back. You hadn't even realized you said it, but when you did, you didn't care. Because it was all true. You loved him so much.

lyv, authory poo

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