ᴛʜᴇɪʀ ᴅᴇᴀᴛʜ. : ✔️

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OLI: Starved to death. You told him to eat, you told him to take better care of himself. But he didn't listen, when you kept pushing he just ignored you all together. You gave him time to cool. Two weeks to be specific. You loved Oliver and you weren't going to ruin it, he was going to come to you. You waited.. and waited. Yet nothing came. Except a phone call from his mom.

Mama Moy😫❣ Calling...


"Y/n... sweetie.." She sounded as if she were crying. You raised your eyebrow.  "H- he's gone sweetheart.."

What? What does she mean?

"Hm? What do you mean... who's gone?"

"Oliver, sweetie he died last night."

"W- what..?" Tears flooded to your eyed immediately. "N- no.. No!" You hung up the phone.

SEBASTIAN: Randomly disappeared. You two had fallen asleep together, cuddling and talking till all hours. Then you fell asleep comfortable in your bed. You woke up expecting to feel his thin arms around your body. But... you didn't. At first you didn't think anything of it. But now, you wish you had. At first you thought he was in the bathroom, or getting a quick breakfast. So you went back to sleep. But when you woke up against with him still not there. No note. No text or call.

You call him. Maybe he's busy. You texted Oliver just incase. Oliver said he hadn't heard from him since you two went out. You asked the rest of the guys and they said the same. You sent him call after call. After 3 days of worrying, crying, and more worrying. You called the police- well Tyler did. You couldn't even hold a phone straight.

The police looked and looked for weeks. You cried, Oliver did too. And the rest, finally after 2 months of endless searches, random texts to Seb's old number, numb lying I bed just cuddling his pillow tightly. They found him, they found his lifeless body lying in an abandoned cottage. No one knew who did it, no one knew why. His body layed pale, motionless. You never did get over him, never. You would have random melt downs here and there. When you were around, no one dared to speak his name. After the funeral your depression got worse and worse. He was your world, he was your happy. And your happy was gone.


REGIE: Shot and bled to death. You weren't there, he went to a party. Someone unknown came. Killed over four people. Four innocent people. One of them, was Regie. You came right on tiem to pick him up. You came and heard a gunshot. You ran inside seeing four people scattered around and everyone ran outside dahsinf out the door. The gunman left. You made sure of that, you checked everyone as you heard sirens. You turned your body as you cried softly, you felt terrible for the others.

You turned to look at the other. Your heart stopped. Your breathing got fast. More tears came to your eyes as you dropped to the ground next to his body. Shaking his body aggressively. "REGIE!!"

"NO! Regie!! Please.." You looked at the bleeding, right through his heart. "Regie.." you cried for him to return to you. "REGIE FUCKING MACALINO!"

You screamed as paramedics ran through the door picking the bodies up and rushing to the ambulance. One of them bragged you back as you cried harshly. They took him away. Your Regie was gone.... and he did absolutely nothing wrong.

DARREN: Knife to the throat. He was picking up Boba for you and the boys. Two guys got into a fight, being Darren's precious self he tried to stop them. For once he didn't wear his crocs and he was going to use that  as his advantage.

But one of them pulled a knife.

And pulling him off the other man, the guy cut him. His skinny throat gasped out with blood. Screams fileld the room as the randoms watched in horror. The killers eyes widened. He didn't actually expect to cut his whole neck. Just a little scar.  Darren grabbed his throat trying to scream for help. But he couldn't, he throat had fallen out. With that.. his life had left him. He was no longer living.

After ten minutes you got sick of waiting. 'What is taking him so long?'

You thought as you saw sirens and people running out of the shop. Everyone but Darren. You ran inside to see him.. blood splattered on the white tiled floors. "DARREN!" You ran to his body shaking him. His eyes layed open. Blood surrounded his face, chest and it was still spilling to the floor. You felt your heart drop six feet under. Tears flowed down your face as you felt your body being pulled daway from his. Your body shook tremendously. "NO! NO! DARREN! PLEASE!" It was the cops, ambulance. They pulled you away from him. Away from your love.

RYAN: Suicide. You were busy these days, and when you weren't he was. You never spoke, or were in their videos or even his vlogs. The comments fled with questions. Did you break up? Was there problems? Health? Family?

Anytime you'd come home all you two did was fight or you'd just be sleeping. His depression got worse and so did yours. Ryan was already closed up to himself, and not having you made it worse. He loved you with everything he had. So.. when he committed.. it took an even bigger toll on you. The old knife to the wrists, worked like a charm. You thought he'd stopped but, this time it went too far.

The one day you had took off, it was also the day the boys were all free and out with their family. It was also the day you lost your favorite Gami. You walked din yelling his name excitedly. Realizing you had to use the restrooms the door was slightly opened so you took it no one was in there. Boy were you wrong. All you saw was blood and your boyfriends body laying on the floor motionless. Your heart dropped beep inside your body breaking immediately.

JUSTIN: Beat to death. You were just walking into the NSB house, no one else was home so you were going to have a movie date, but you needed snacks of course. When you walked out of the car two tall, buff men grabbed you harshly, and covered your mouth. You were still on the other side of Justin's car and all your ears heard was Justin's screams. Cries out in pain. You heard punches and clashes which made you try to fight their grip. They carried you to the other side making you watch as you screamed in terror as they hit your most favorite person in the world.

"NO! STOP! PLEASE!!" You kicked and hit both guys but they wouldn't let go. You watched in horror as they stabbed him in the arms and legs, making blood spill everywhere.

Justin cries got louder till its all you heard. Blood was everywhere as the men keeped harming him in the most brutal ways. His screams were high pitched and loud. How could nobody here his screams? Soon, his screams got quieter. And after that... they had stopped. Tears kept falling out of your eyes as you saw his body laying on the concrete.

KANE: Car crash. You were both in the car, you were driving while he showed you a picture. Justa stupid picture. Then a drunk driver... speeding on a highway not looking either. Then...


Next thing you know you're in a hospital bed. All you wanted to know were he was. Yet they gave you stupid answers about your condition.
"I just want to know where my boyfriend is.. that's it!" Tears fell quickly, the nurse looked down walking out. Your heart beated quickly as worry felt through your body.

The nurse said your parents were on a plane headed your way. They were on a vacation, that's why you were driving. You and Kane were bored and wanted to go somewhere. The nurse walked in with his brod shoulders, behind him were 10 guys, you recognized them all. Oliver and Seb, Regie, Darren, and Ryan, with Justin, Bae, Ty, and Angel. They were all here and all in tears.

Ty was the first, he ran up to you hugging you tightly. "I'm sorry... I'm so sorry.."

"W- where is he? I want to see Kane." Your voice cracked as you whispered to his brother.

"H- He's gone Y/n." Ty cupped your face as you broke down in his arms. Tears and sobs left your body. You could barely breath. That stupid... fucking anime meme.


uv, authory poo ☆

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