Chapter Fifty-Four: New Problems

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Godzilla rested in a clearing, his breathing slow, and rhythmic. His mind wandered as he slept, thinking about what had transpired over the last three years.

Thanks to the King of the Monsters, humans, Faunus and Grimm enjoyed a lasting, if fragile peace. Godzilla's job was to keep the Grimm in check, but the Hybrids made that difficult at times.

The Hybrids themselves were no longer as great a threat as they once were, but a threat they remained. Even without Ghidorah's influence they were destructive by nature.

As for Ghidorah, Godzilla was still wary. Ghidorah was beaten, he had made sure of that. But the new God of Darkness knew his old nemesis, and he had survived much worse.

The sound of cracking drew Godzilla out of his slumber and he stared out at the cave entrance. He stood up and walked outside and stood vigilant.

Then, he waited.

The egg he had guarded for a long three years had begun to hatch and when it finally did, a larva emerged from it. Mothra trilled as she stared at Godzilla, now reincarnated once more.

"Welcome back, Mothra." Godzilla said.

Mothra was now in her larval form, so lacked her magic, but she would get it back with time.

A loud high pitched bellow echoed through the forest, one that Godzilla answered with his own.

The sound of footsteps drew closer as Mothra looked at the source with interest.

Out from the forest emerged Godzilla Jr., Godzilla's son.

It's unclear how Godzilla Jr. came to be, but Godzilla had found him, and began raising him as his paternal instincts started kicking in.

Jr. was still very much a baby, reaching up to Godzilla's shin. He was heir to a vast kingdom, provided he could learn how to keep the Grimm in check.

Godzilla began letting out a series of grunts and low growls to Jr., then turned to a hilltop that had been charred black by repeated impacts from Godzilla's Atomic Breath.

Today, the hill would get hit again.

Godzilla's spines began to glow as he fired his Atomic Breath at the hill, then grunted at Jr. to mirror his attack.

Jr. stepped up and began making his own spines glow and he fired... a stream of radioactive bubbles.

Godzilla growled in disappointment, but let his son try again. Jr. concentrated and his spines glowed again, but the same thing happened.

Mothra chittered in a sort of Kaiju equivalent to a giggle. She thought the bubble breath was amusing.

Godzilla did not.

But, he realized that Jr. was still a child, so he stopped for now.

He turned around and wiggled his tail, gesturing for Jr. to get on it.

The two Godzilla's accompanied by Mothra set out to the nearby riverbank. An old friend and a child, Godzilla was very happy right now.

But that happiness was not to last.

In orbit, the debris from the shattered moon floated around Remnant, but among this new asteroid field was Godzilla's old enemy.

King Ghidorah, mortally wounded, but still very much alive.

A ship flew up to him and scanned him for any signs of life. There were.

"Ghidorah." Watts said. "You truly are a resilient creature. Not to worry though. I have some use for you after all, 'Master'."

Watts used Gravity Dust to create a Gravity well to hold Ghidorah in placed, then used Hardlight Dust to shield him from the heat of reentry.

The two flew back to Watts' workshop as he began to rebuild Ghidorah. This time, however, the Kaiju would serve him and help him get his revenge on Godzilla and his friends.

Elsewhere though, the Destoroyahs had attacked again. A soldier ran for his life as he fired behind him, his shots doing nothing to the creature chasing him.

He ejected his empty mag and replaced it with a new one, and hid behind a corner. He breathed heavily as the heavy footsteps of the Destoroyah chasing him slowed and almost sounded like it was stalking him.

It peeked its head around the corner, a low hiss escaping its maw. It entered the room as it looked for the soldier who was doing his best to not piss himself in fear.

He slowly picked up a peace of wood and as hard as he could, threw it to the opposite hall, making a loud and echoing thud.

The Destoroyah screeched as it sprinted down the hall, and the soldier sighed in relief.

But it was only a brief reprieve.

A hiss made the soldier tense up immediately as he turned around slowly, before whirling around to try and shoot the monster, but an Oxygen Destroyer Beam ate through his chest and he screamed in agony as his flesh began to dissolve.

After a few seconds the building was quiet again, before the Destoroyahs began turning it into their hive. From here, they could safely evolve, and any human stupid enough to try and clear them out would be massacred.

Wow. First Kiryu in the last chapter, now Godzilla Jr. and Mecha King Ghidorah in this one. I hope you guys liked this chapter, and as always, comment, rate and leave advice so I can improve. Break time is now officially over. The next chapter will go right back to the action. Until then, have a good night guys.

(This is Destoroyah's theme in this story. I thought it would fit the modern era of Godzilla.)

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