Chapter Thirty Two: Project Mechagodzilla

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-Mantle, Atlas base.-

A group of scientists and engineers scrambled to finish preparing for the first field test of their newest weapon.

Mechagodzilla stood proudly on its launch pad, Atlesian metal gleamed in the light of its bay. The engineers were currently doing a final weapons check as they waited for the green light from Ironwood.

Under the General's orders, the Headquarters had been scanning for a suitable Creature of Grimm for Mechagodzilla to be tested.

True to its name, the 393 foot metal monster was built in Godzilla's image, and outfitted with some of the most advanced weapons Atlas had.

A Plasma flame thrower was installed in its mouth, in imitation of the Kaiju King's Atomic Breath attack. As a defense against attacks, Mechagodzilla also had a Hardlight Generator installed in it's back.

In its chest, a Plasma Cannon weapon system was installed. Missile launchers located on its fingers were one of its primary weapons.

Suddenly, an alarm sounded, which prompted the chief engineer to head to the recon tower.

"Okay, what do we got?" He asked. "Better not be another Nevermore."

"No sir, it's not a Nevermore." An operator replied. "Looks like a Leviathan class Grimm. A really big one."

"Put me through to General Ironwood." Yin ordered.

Yin stood at attention as a hologram of Ironwood appeared.

"General Ironwood. We may have found a suitable target for Mechagodzilla." He reported.

"What's the target?" Ironwood asked.

"A Leviathan. Possibly an Alpha." Yin said. "Just give the word and we'll begin."

"Consider the mission approved." Ironwood replied. "Launch the weapon."

"Yes sir." Yin said, as the transmission ended. "Alright, people prep for launch! We just got the green light, launch is approved! I repeat, Project Mechagodzilla is clear for launch!"

The entire bay scrambled as Mechagodzilla powered up.

It vision displayed information about its systems to the group who would be piloting it.

"Mechagodzilla, online. Weapon systems active. Fuel reserves at 100%. Fuel capacity at maximum. Shields online. All systems oprimal." A pilot reported. "We're ready to launch sir."

"Commence launch sequence." A soldier said.

"Launching in T-minus: 10. 9. 8. 7. 6. 5. 4. 3. 2. 1. Launch." The intercom said.

The thrusters on Mechagodzilla's back ignited, and it started gaining altitude. A few seconds later, it left the launch bay and rocketed towards its target.

Said Leviathan was heading to Argus, sent there by Ghidorah to test the city's defenders.

With Cordovin gone, Argus was without a proper defense. Thus it was a prime Grimm target.

The Leviathan roared and started charging it's Beam attack to get rid of the Hardlight pylons that protected the city.

As it destroyed said pylons a loud bang echoed above it as a large metal object landed in the water in front of it.

Mechagodzilla rose up and stared at the Leviathan, a cold unfeeling gaze met a wrathful one.

"The scan was right." A pilot said. "It's an Alpha Leviathan."

"Prepare for combat." Yin said. "Project Mechagodzilla, engage combat mode."

Mechagodzilla's eyes turned red as it opened its mouth and let out a metallic roar.

The Leviathan fired its beam attack at Mechagodzilla.

"Shields up." The pilot said.

Mechagodzilla's Hardlight shield activated, blocking the attack.

"Firing Plasma Breath."

Mechagodzilla's mouth opened and unleashed it's Plasma Breath at the Grimm, causing it roar in pain from the breath's intense heat.

The Leviathan charged it's metal opponent, but the robot countered the charge by slamming it's fist into its face.

Now the Grimm had had enough and fired its Beam attack at point blank range.

The shield that surrounded Mechagodzilla took the blow and absorbed the energy used by the Grimm's attack.

"Plasma Cannon fully charged." The pilot said. "Firing."

Mechagodzilla's chest opened, and yellow energy gathered at the weapon's chamber.

The Plasma Cannon then fired a beam of energy that hit the Alpha Leviathan in the chest. The Grimm roared in agony, before it turned into black mist.

[Grimm Class: Leviathan. Status: Terminated.] Mechagodzilla reported.

The entire base erupted in cheers, as their test was successful.

"Good job, people. A successful test." Yin said. "Let's bring Mechagodzilla home."

[Returning to homebase.] Mechagodzilla reported.

It's thrusters ignited once more, and flew back to Mantle.

And that's a wrap. Mechagodzilla is now officially a member of the story. Also, if there is anyone who wants to make any form of art or fan animations, I'll allow it as long as I'm credited. As always, comment, rate and leave advise so I can improve. The Mechagodzilla arc is just beginning, so I'll see you in the next chapter! Have a good night guys.

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