Chapter Fifty-five: Terror Returns

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Weiss was investigating the docks where a few days ago, the entire night staff were apparently murdered. She didn't know how this didn't reach her the day after this happened, but it wasn't important right now.

She wasn't a stranger to brutal deaths. After all Ghidorah ate her sister all those years ago, and blew a hole in Jeanne's chest.

But leaving nothing but piles of bones? This was new.

"So, what do we know?" She asked an officer.

"What you see is what you get." He replied. "I honestly don't know how this happened or what caused it, but... their skin looks like it's been..."

"Desintegrated." Weiss finished. "A few years ago a weapon hit this very harbor that disintegrated the flesh from anything that was in the water and really hurt Godzilla."

"Really?" The officer wondered. "Well, I don't think these workers took a dip in the water, ma'am."

"Of course not." Weiss replied sharply. "Anyway, notify me if you find out anything else."

"Yes ma'am." The officer said.

Weiss' scroll started ringing and she saw Ruby's face on the screen, indicating she was calling her.

"Hey, Ruby." She said. "What's up?"

[I need someone other than Nora to talk to.] Ruby replied, her voice lined with stress. [I swear I don't know how Ren handles her on a daily basis.]

"Nora's driving you up the wall?" Weiss asked amused.

[You have no idea.] Ruby groaned. [At any rate, how's that investigation going?]

"Poorly." Weiss replied. "The entire night staff is dead, and all that's left of them is a pile of bones. It looks like the same effect as the Oxygen Destroyer."

[On land?] Ruby asked. [Maybe the Oxygen Destroyer made something mutate?]

"Well, we can't rule it out." Weiss said. "Maybe we should bring this to Godzilla's attention?"

[Maybe.] Ruby replied. [We'll head to see him tomorrow. For now, you should get home and get some rest.]

"I could definitely use it." Weiss agreed. "I'll see you back at the house, Ruby."

[Okay. I love you.] Ruby said.

"I love you too." Weiss replied.


Watts had put the finishing touches on his efforts to rebuild Ghidorah. A process that was simpler than expected, but with unfettered access to Atlas tech, he was able to do it.

He finished placing the fully cybernetic head on the middle head that was missing, as well as create cybernetic wings to replace his lost organic ones.

Ghidorah stirred, his middle head activating as he became aware of his surroundings.

"Where... am I?" He asked, his voice now slightly cybernetic.

"My old lab." Watts answered. "I managed to find you drifting in orbit and brought you here to rebuild you."

Ghidorah looked at his wings, his chest, his legs and his middle head were all bolstered by cybernetics. His right head glared at Watts.

"What have you done to me?" Ghidorah snarled.

"Careful now, Ghidorah." Watts said. "I didn't save you because I'm loyal to you. You will be my weapon to enact my vengeance on Godzilla. Try to attack me, then I press this button, which activates a mechanism that will send a lethal amount of electricity straight to your heart causing it to explode."

Ghidorah sneered at Watts, his anger boiling.

"Now, it seems that I'm the master, doesn't it?" Watts said confidently.

Ghidorah bared his teeth as he changed back into his now cyborg Faunus form. He raised his hand above his head and then brought it towards his chest, piercing it.

Pain shot through Ghidorah's body as he rooted around before he felt a device and grabbed it. He pulled his hand out of his chest and with it, Watts' safety measure. He then crushed it.

"I am King Ghidorah, Destroyer of Worlds, the King of Terror, the Eater of Worlds! And I. Serve. NO ONE!" He roared as he grabbed Watts by the throat.

"Rest assured, doctor. I will kill you, but first I'm going to kill Godzilla and his pack. Then, I'll finish what I started, and destroy this wretched world. That, I promise you." Ghidorah snarled. "MY vengeance will be terrible, and swift! And actually... I've changed my mind. I'll kill you first... doctor."

Ghidorah's grip tightened as Watts began to struggle for air, until a loud sickening crack was heard, indicating that Ghidorah had snapped his neck.

He dropped the man's corpse than looked at it.

"You tried to control a god?" He asked. "You thought you could control me? Ha ha... hahahahaha... HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH! AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH!"

Ghidorah began stomping Watts' corpse as he laughed maniacally, causing blood and viscera to splatter everywhere.

Ghidorah's body was covered in blood by the end of his rampage and his smirk remained for a while longer.

"That. Felt. Good." He said. Now. Godzilla... I hope you've made your peace, because I'm coming for you! AND I WILL HAVE MY REVENGE!"

Ghidorah transformed back into his Kaiju form and proceeded to destroy Watts' lab. He then spread his wings and smashed his way out of the crumbling building.

That was probably the most brutal way a character has been treated on this story yet. Watts got his neck snapped then Ghidorah stomped the fuck out of his corpse. Yeesh. As always though, comment, rate and leave advice so I can improve. I'll see you guys in the next one. Have a good night guys.

(Final intro.)

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