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so are you ever gonna tell
me your number woo?

so are you ever gonna
show me what you look like, san?

only if you promise not
to fall for me baby ;)

as if.



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oh my god. He's so fucking hot, but he could possibly be a catfish right? no man that hot would be on a website like this. besides me of course.

how do i know that this is really you?

let's facetime ;)


i guess i'm a catfish then.

i guess you are.

wooyoung stared at his phone a bit with a slight tug on his bottom lip. San was interesting to him, he was different. He never once asked wooyoung for any sexual contents or mentioned his work. Why? He's texting me on this website so why is he not interested in my body? He put his phone away and decided to actually pay attention in his next class, Dance 4. It was his favorite class of the week and the only one he actually fancied.

Wooyoung practiced for about an hour before his class ended and he was on his way to the cafe he agreed to meet Yeosang and Seonghwa at.

"Hey hyung, Hi seonghwa" wooyoung said sounding slightly more polite to his best friends boyfriend out of respect. "Haha, it's fine wooyoung. You can drop the honorifics." and wooyoung just responded with a slight smile and bow.

"It's nice to meet you wooyoung." seonghwa smiled and started conversation with the younger. Surprisingly the two had gotten along well and wooyoung had quickly started seeing seonghwa as another close friend. "Ah! right, I have a blind date for you!!" seonghwa said while hugging his boyfriend in excitement.

"what?!? really???" wooyoung was shocked and ended up choking a bit on his macaroon. fuck why do i always choke when i'm surprised. "Who is he???" Wooyoung said with a slight crimson blush on his cheeks. "It's a secret, I think you'll love him though. He's a close friend of mine." seonghwa said and yeosang nodded at the statement while also being unaware of who his boyfriend had set his best friend on a date with, but being confident in his choice.

"O-oh okay, when is it hyung?" he asked trying to now show his excitement. He hadn't been with anyone in a year, he was more than excited to start dating again. "friday at 2, me and yeosang will come pick you up so that i know you won't flake on him" seonghwa said laughing a little at the glare the boy was sending at him. "okay!! is he hot?" wooyoung asked smirking a bit.

"oh he's smoking hot, you'll be whipped, trust me." this made the boy blush but his boyfriend hit him because he was calling another man hot. "sorry yeo, i didn't mean it to sound like i was attracted to him." seonghwa said a little embarrassed at his excitement to describe his friend, he was only excited because his friend had also not dated anyone in a year.

"It's okay babe, i know you were just excited" yeosang said gigging a little before pecking his boyfriend on the cheek.

"ew get a fucking room" the two had forgotten that sat across from them was the slightly younger wooyoung.

"sorry." they said in unison awkwardly taking a sip of the pink lemonade they ordered, causing the younger to shake his head and laugh.

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