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A day had passed and Wooyoung had not received a text from the mystery boy that he was so interested in.

san? are you okay? you haven't
texted me in a while

what's wrong?
did something happen?

why are you acting like
you're so interested in me now?
we should stop talking.

i'm sorry. Did i do something wrong?

Wooyoung stared at his phone in confusion, did i say something to make him mad? Wooyoung just shook his head and decided to leave it alone. Maybe San was just having a bad day? That must be it....

wooyoung shook away his thoughts once more and decided to get ready for his blind date. He was excited. He had never been on a blind date so this was a new experience for him. he hummed a short tune while absolutely destroying his closet trying to look for a decent outfit.

wooyoung admired himself in the mirror before being interrupted by a knock on his front door. "Hey woo- Holy shit you look hot." yeosang said in awe of his best friend. Wooyoung just laughed and playfully hit his friend on the back of the head.

"You look good wooyoung, You'll absolutely blow him away." Seonghwa said giving the obviously nervous boy some reassurance. "Thanks seonghwa." Wooyoung said bowing. "hey! I told you to stop using honorifics." seonghwa said shaking his head at the younger who just laughed and murmured a quiet "oops."

The three pulled up to the cafe and yeosang took a last look at his best friend, dusting off his clothes and applying a small bit of pink lip tint to the boy's lips. "perfect. don't be too nervous okay? Just be yourself." Yeosang said smiling at his best friend, seonghwa just nodded in agreement.

"Thanks guy's, I'll text you when to pick me up." Wooyoung said grabbing his tote bag and exiting the car. "Have fun!!" The older two said in unison to the boy.

fuck i'm so nervous, why did i agree to this?

He shook away his thoughts and entered the cafe, the scenery was beautiful and the pastries smelled delicious. He sat down at a table that was secluded from the rest of the people in the cafe and played on his phone while waiting for his date to arrive. Yeosang being Yeosang forced san to arrive 15 minutes early. He cursed at the boy in his head.

"Hey, are you wooyoung?" The boy stopped scrolling and paused before looking up to see who the owner of the deep voice that caused a slight shiver down his back was.

"oh yes i am, nice to meet y-"

he paused and blinked at least 10 times.



what the fuck did i get myself into.

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