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"Don't fucking play with me chan. Tell me where you put the money before i blow your fucking brains out." San said pointing the gun towards the guy's head. "And why would i do that? Kill me, I could care less but i'm not telling you where the money is you piece of shit." he spat out at san who had only death in his eyes.

San laughed a little bit before taking the gun off of safety and pointing the gun back at chan's head causing him to gulp in nervousness. "What would your wife think if i called her here and all she saw was your brains spread out on my $12,000 carpet?" "and your daughter? she'd have no dad. Who's fault would that be chan?" san hummed while continuing on. "I thought you were better than this. You've been working with me for 3 years and you betray me like this? You steal my fucking money and join the ones against us? you stupid piece of shit you deserve the worst." San sounded betrayed, he was hurt. This was supposed to be his
friend, his partner, his brother in a way.

Chan gulped as tears slowly started flowing down his eyes. "Im sorry, san. I shouldn't have done it, I know i shouldn't have." He said looking down at his hands that were tied in a thick rope. "But you did. Tell me where you put the money or you won't live another day. I bet on that." his voice sounded cold and venomous. It was unusual for the boy that was tied up in the rope to see San sound so heartless.

"It's in safe house 12. The pin to the safe is 26803." Chan said in disappointment in himself. "San i'm so sorry, please forgive me."

"i can never forgive you." San said untying the rope that was wrapped around the boy. "Turn in your guns and leave. You're fired." he said fixing his tie and leaving the room that the boy was in.

everyone always betrays me. How could do this to me.
did he do this to me?

When san entered his office he immediately broke down in tears and let his thoughts get the best of him.

nothing lasts, everyone is programmed to leave and betray you.

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