Not another one

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Aeris walked into SMG4's office, having been called there by him.

Aeris: Okay, boss, I'm here. What did you need me to do?

SMG4: It's time for the monthly book burning. I get sent so many fanfics, I have to get rid of them somehow.

Aeris: Fanfics?

SMG4 didn't answer, instead choosing to hand him a can of gasoline and a lighter.

SMG4: They're all in the basement, you know what to do.

Aeris: Uh... Right...

He took the objects and then headed down to the basement. SMG4 stretched his arms as he left his office. His friends were all hanging out together, some studying and some watching the television.

News Anchor: In other news, a random area according to the government in the desert was nuked. Rumors state it was a top secret government facility, though all evidence supporting that is currently buried under atomic waste. Sources say we'll find out what really happened in the next 10 years.

Saiko: Why do I get the feeling one of you idiots had something to do with this?

Mario: I didn't do nuthin. It probably was Bob.

Bob: Go ChOkE oN pAsTa, FaTtY!

Meggy raised her head from her textbook, visibly annoyed.

Meggy: Guys, will you cut it out, I'm trying to focus here.

Tari put her hand on her shoulder, concerned. For the last few days, Meggy seemed more easily irritated and extremely focused on her work.

Tari: Is everything okay?

Meggy: Everything's fine, Tari! I just have to contend with the fact I live right next to and now go to the same college as Mr. Goodie-two shoes.

Tari: Hey, it's not that bad. At least he isn't trying to kill us-

They suddenly heard the doorbell ring. Luigi hopped off from the couch.

Luigi: Oh! The pizza is here!

He headed for the door and opened the door.

Luigi: How much will it be-

A hand suddenly grabbed him by the neck, causing the plumber to choke.

Luigi: AGH!

The entire gang jumped to their feet, surprised upon hearing the sound of their friend in trouble. Looking to the entrance, they suddenly saw Luigi being flung back, hitting the wall with a crack.

Luigi: Ow! My back!

The group all looked to see the man from the streets walking in. His jackal fur cloak waving from the wind blowing through the open door, he walked in with a smirk.

???: I'm afraid your delivery has been delayed.

Mario stared at him in confusion. It was odd to him, he felt as though he'd seen that guy before, but he couldn't quite put his finger on when. Fishy Boopkins gasped in shock as he saw how smoothly his movements were as he walked towards him.

Fishy Boopkins: Oh crap! Even his hair is moving at 60 fps! The animators busted their asses off for this guy, he's for sure gonna be an arc villain!

Saiko: Too bad he'll have to contend with only one episodic appearance. Alright, who are you?!

Infinite: Oh, pardon me. My name is Infinite, jackalborn, universal warrior, former resident of the Dublin insane asylum.

Mario: Ew, he's British!

SMG4: The Good, the Bad and the CrazyWhere stories live. Discover now