If Mario was in Metroid Dread (Part 1)

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Meggy's eyes fluttered open. The bland, white ceiling of the hotel, the specks of dust on the lightbulbs, and the unmoving fan above her soon relieved her, as she realized where she was. Sitting up, she stretched her arms, yawning. Turning to the side, she quickly hopped off the bed... right onto Aeris who was sleeping on the floor right beside it.


"Ah! What the?!"

The orange haired girl looked down to see the inkling beneath her feet. Quickly stepping off of him, she raised her fists defensively.

"What are you doing in my room?!" she asked, incredulously.

"Argh... Your room? This is my room!" he retorted.

"Wait, what?"

"The boss told me to get you back to your room after you went into a drug induced sleep yesterday. But I couldn't find your room key, and now here we are."

Meggy froze for a moment, as the events from the day before began to play all over again in her head. Lowering her fists, she promptly facepalmed herself.

"... I am never touching mushrooms again." Meggy stated.

"Good to know." replied Aeris, as he stumbled up to his feet.

"Well, I'm out of here-"

Just as she was about to leave, she suddenly noticed something on the nightstand. It was a small slip of paper, on which was scribbled a list with the names of all of her friends.

"What the? Why do you have a hitlist-"

"It's not a hitlist! ... Okay, it sort of is. SMG4's old assistant told me to go hang out with your friends to get to know them or something." the inkling explained.

"Am I on it?" Meggy asked.

"Do you want me to add you to it?"

"Nevermind. Well, I'm out of here."

And with that, she hastily left the room. As he heard the door shut, Aeris breathed a sigh of relief.

"That wasn't so bad..." he said to himself. Looking at the list, he looked at each of the names one by one.

"Hmm... Uh... I guess I'll start with Mario, I guess."

Later, at the castle

"Mario!" Peach suddenly shouted, surprising Mario as he quickly tumbled off of the bullet proof sofa he'd fallen asleep on.

"Oof! Mama-mia..."

"Instead of freeloading on my coach, how about you actually be productive here!"

Springing up to his feet, Mario glared at her angrily.

"What is it?!" he asked.

"Just go clear the basement out, there's so much crap down there, I have to get rid of it somehow."

"Hey! I just saved the world yesterday!" the plumber responded.

"Yeah, only after you got help from the OCA." the princess pointed out.

"Bitch, Mario could have done it with only a plate of spaghetti!"

"I don't care. Just get on with it, I need to go out."

And with that, she turned her back on the plumber and left the castle.

"She's a bitch!" Mario stated, once she was out of earshot. Looking at the old wooden doors leading to the basement, he groaned.

"Letsa go..."

And with that, he begrudgingly headed downstairs. Just as he did so, Aeris walked in, freshened up and ready to start the day.

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