A changing world

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Aeris tossed the remaining debris into the dumpster. After a long day, in which he had been forced to do hours upon hours of cleaning due to the mess left in the castle, he'd finally finished his workload.

Aeris: Phew... That's done...

He suddenly noticed that he'd accidentally thrown a Gameboy Advance into the dumpster. Climbing up to its rim, he fished the handheld device out. Shaking the dust off, he quickly covered his mouth as he began to cough.

Aeris: -Cough- I better return this. Huh...

After giving it some thought as to whose it was, he quickly settled on Tari, figuring that since she'd have her arm replaced for becoming better at playing, it had to be her. Heading back inside, he found her busy brushing the dust off of her rubber duck.

Aeris: Hey, is this yours?

He held out the old piece of hardware. Tari quickly snatched it, examining it closely.

Tari: Wait, I lost this back in 2021 when we blew up the castle!

Aeris: You what?

He didn't receive an answer, as Tari quickly turned on the handheld. It made its usual startup noise as the screen turned on.

Tari: Even the batteries are still operating!

Aeris: What the hell is this thing even made of?

Tari: Thank you so much for bringing it back!

Aeris: Oh, uh, you're welcome I guess?

Tari: Hey, we've never really had the chance to know SMG4's old assistant. Maybe we could get to know you more if you hung out with us sometime?

Aeris: Sorry, I gotta study, I have an early exam coming up soon. Speaking of which, I need to go study, bye!

And with that, he bolted out. Tari stood silent, rather confused by how hasty he was to bolt out of the conversation.

Tari: Was it something I said?


SMG4 and SMG3 arrived at E. Gadd's lab. Entering through the front metal doors, he found E. Gadd busy fixing what seemed to be a miniature version of the machine he'd built at Black Mesa. SMG1 and SMG2 stood by, supervising his work, scrutiny written all over their faces.

SMG4: Alright, we're here.

SMG3: Why'd you call me? I was in the middle of a very important drinking competiti- I mean meeting.

SMG1 and SMG2 looked at their counterparts, solemness plastered all over their faces.

SMG2: Guys... We have a problem.

SMG1: Do you two remember that big disaster at the Black Mesa facility?

SMG4: Yeah, it was all over the news. Why?

E. Gadd: Let's just say it happened because that fat jackass Mario screwed up my machine and caused a damn resonance cascade!

SMG3/SMG4: ... A what?

E. Gadd: Allow me to explain. It all starts when antimatter-

SMG1: Mario accidentally ripped a hole in space which began pulling in stuff from several different dimensions.

SMG2: Most of it wasn't that bad, except for the alien creature attack of course.

SMG1: HOWEVER. Yesterday, me and 2 made a frightening discovery. One of the rifts that opened brought in something far worse than the Combine: The OCs.

SMG4: The Good, the Bad and the CrazyWhere stories live. Discover now