Double date of death

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Meggy was outside the castle, finishing up on her target practice. She smirked as she effortlessly hit the center of every dummy in sight with her splattershot. Once she'd hit every last one, she chuckled as she twirled her ink gun around and holstered it.

"Heh heh, too easy-"

There was suddenly a loud slashing noise, as the top halves of the dummies all hit the ground, having been chopped clean in half.

"Huh?" Meggy let out, glancing around. That was when she saw Melony standing behind the remains of the dummies.

"Hi Meggy!" she called out, smiling.

"Hey Melony!"

"So uh, I'm here because I want to tell you... I think I'm ready,"

"Ready for what?" asked Meggy.

"Well.. It's been a long while since Axol died... I know he'd want me to move on so, I was just thinking I'd... try and get back into dating?" the melon girl explained.

"Well that's great! I'm happy for you!"

"Well uh... There is one problem. I have no idea how dating actually works. Do you know? I could really use some advice."

"... No. I've never dated anyone before either... Huh..."


Meggy scratched her chin, as she pondered the situation. Suddenly, she came up with an idea.

"I know, let's try and get some practice. Let's go on a blind date!" she proposed.

"You want me to go on a date with you?" Melony asked.

"No, it's not a blind date then if you've already seen the person you're going on a date with. We'll make it a double date. All we need now is two people to go out with,"

"How do we do that?"

Meggy pulled out her phone.

"Well, let's get swiping."


The OCs were hanging out in the lounge, doing each of their hobbies. Phoenix was sharpening his kitchen knives, Cristina was playing on her SWITCH, and Bio was exercising his tentacles.

Suddenly, Turco burst through the door, waving his phone.

"Guys, I've struck gold!" he declared.

Everyone turned to him, confused.

"What do you mean?" asked Cristina.

"I've got the perfect scheme in mind to get at SMG4 and his friends!" he declared.

"That's what you said the last time you led us," Splendid replied, as he placed his new plushie on the shelf, "And lost... TO A BUNCH OF SOAP ON THE FLOOR!"

"No no no, it's different this time," explained the yellow clad man, as he held up his phone, revealing... a dating app account.

"That's your plan? What are you gonna do, catfish them?" asked Phoenix.

"No! Even better! I managed to get a blind date with the weird melon girl," Turco explained.

"Yeah, that's not gonna work," Splendid pointed out, "They'll recognize you and immediately kick you out."

"Haha! But that's the thing. They haven't seen me... UNMASKED!"

And with that, the OC shed his mask to reveal... a pretty handsome fella, with blue eyes, slim face and a black mustache.

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