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"DaMn It!" Bob cursed, as the episode ended, and the credits began to play.

"Oh man, poor Lamar." Tari mumbled.

"That was a great episode. Can't wait to see what Meta Runner has in store next week," Meggy stated, as she turned off the TV.

"Ah spaghetti..." Mario mumbled, passed out on the couch, a pizza box lying over his face.

After the four had completed their community service a few hours before, they'd decided to hang out at Meggy's house, ordering pizza and watching the latest episodes from GLITCH.

"Phew... After an entire week of cooking for furries and anime characters, it's great to finally be free again," she stated.

"TeLl Me AbOuT iT. i WiLl SeE uWu'S iN mY nIgHtMaReS fRoM nOw On!" Bob added in.

"Well, now everything's lovely once again," Tari chimed in.

There was some silence for a moment, before Meggy suddenly asked:

"Want me to get some soda from the fridge?"

"Sure, thanks!" Tari said.

"OkAy," Bob answered.

"Alright, I'll be back," the beanie gal said, getting up from the couch and heading to the kitchen.

The second she was out of earshot, Mario raised his head, removing the pizza box from his face and then tossing it aside.

"Now's our chance!" he said, as he grabbed something from under the sofa. Pulling it out, it was revealed to be Meggy's old photo album.

"HaHa! LeT's SeE iF mEgGy HaS mOrE fUnNy PhOtOs In HeRe," Bob said.

"I don't know, I think little Meggy is so cute!" Tari squealed.

They began to flip through the pages, looking at the different photos Meggy had inserted through the years. Tari cooed as she saw pictures of her friend as a child.

"Awww... She was so cute..." she said.

"ShE lOoKs HiLaRiOuS!" Bob laughed.

"Hahaha! Look, there's one where she's getting shot in the face!" Mario exclaimed, pointing to one showing Meggy as a child playing ink wars, with her receiving some ink straight to her cheek. In spite of the subsequent headshot, she was laughing joyfully.

"WaIt, WhO's ThE kId ThAt'S sHoOtInG hEr?" Bob asked, pointing to Meggy's adversary in the background.

Mario and Tari took a closer look. It was strange, the other inkling child seemed rather familiar. A boy with blue tentacle hair and brown eyes. The cyborg examined it closely, before asking:

"Is that Ae-"

"I got the drinks!" Meggy's voice suddenly rang out behind them, as she walked in, carrying four cans of soda. The other three said nothing, startled by her sudden entrance.

"What's wrong? I know not everyone's a fan of diet, but it's not that bad-" she said, before freezing as she noticed her photo album, "Red, what did I say about going through my old photos?"

"Hey, Meggy, you never told us you and Aeris used to be friends," Tari said.

"Wait what?"

That was when she noticed the photo.

"Oh... That. Right..."

"You two look like you used to be happy as friends, what happened?" asked the cyborg.

Meggy was silent, as she put the cans down on the coffee table and sat back down on the couch, snatching the photo album from Mario.

"We were friends since we were little kids. Aeris' family and mine were neighbors, so we lived right next to each other. We did everything together when we were younger."

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