Conclusion (Untitled Part 4)

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You never knew how to properly describe the quiet moments between you and Dean, as they were all so different. Watching the stars with Dean meant sharing the serenity of a unique library of secrets. Driving with Dean, at least on the nights when he wouldn't play any music, always made the distance to wherever you were driving much shorter, time elapsing and swirling with the stillness of the car. And quiet mornings with Dean...quiet mornings with Dean were indescribable.

But if you were to ever try to explain them, you would use one simple word: matchless. Nothing compared to the feeling of Dean's slightly calloused hands rubbing your skin, clothed or not, and stroking small circles as you woke up. Nothing compared to having Dean's breath brush against your neck before small kisses were planted on the flesh, his lips worshiping the appendage with intimacy and love. Nothing compared to waking up with Dean Winchester. That was certainly one of the things you would get on your knees to plead your soul to never forget.

"Did you know that Bellatrix is the third biggest star that makes up Orion?" Dean suddenly spoke. "Or that it's also Latin for 'female warrior'?"

"I did. Did you know that it's also the name of one of the Death Eaters from Harry Potter?"

"How could I not? You and Sammy watch that crap almost every weekend. I swear I've seen you squeal almost five times when that big, ol' spider comes on."

"C'mon, Dean, don't run around this and say that you don't like Harry Potter - or that you don't know that spider is named Aragog."

"All I'm sayin' is that we could at least watch something different every once in a while. You know I love you, baby, but there comes a time in which watching the same movie twice in a day gets old."

"You know you love it," you smiled, leaning up and taking Dean's stubbly chin with your hand as his lips parted again with a comeback and pressing your own against them softly to shush him.

You could feel Dean's smile against your mouth, the words that had been sculpted silently falling apart as you kissed him. A smirk pulled at the corner of your lips when you parted away, giving Dean a chaste peck once more before adjusting yourself to your previous position. You laid your head on top of Dean's chest, intertwining one of your legs with his and placing one arm around his middle. Dean, in turn, wrapped his left arm around your shoulders and pulled you closer to him, reaching over with his right and running his fingers through your hair.

"Anyways, back to Bellatrix, I was just thinking how similar you are to that," Dean said softly, his thumb rubbing your shoulder.

"To what?"

"A warrior," he smiled, instinctively curling up one side of his mouth more than the other. "You're like this amazing, fearless person. And even now that we're out of the life - I mean, you substitute for teachers, babe. I couldn't do that in a million years."

"Kids aren't that bad, Dean," you chuckled, keeping your eyes on his skin so that he wouldn't see your blush. "You just got to know how to calm them down. Once you've figured out how to do that, it's pretty nice to be around them."

"I'll take your word for that, then," you heard Dean reply softly.

For the first time since you'd woken up, you resisted the urge to sigh, closing your eyes as a silence fell inside the walls of your small bedroom again. Children. You knew Dean wanted children, he might as well have voiced it out loud after you got married and hung your hunting boots up. And although he had always given you clues about it, he had never exactly said the words, so you didn't either.

You didn't want to tell him that you couldn't see a future with children. You didn't want to tell him that there couldn't be a future with children. You didn't want to tell him that you couldn't even see your future anymore. The hands of the clock had turned into claws. Now the hours had stopped ticking down, and murky and dark corners surrounded and imprisoned you. You didn't want to tell him that there wasn't a future anymore.

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