I Can't (Tomorrow's Problems Part 3)

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Future Dean returned to the shack later that night to see his past self dozing off in a metal chair. You were very thankful that he had shown up, even though most of the time his presence was never comforting. After your rant and that kiss with 2009 Dean, the next few hours were spent in awkward silence. It was your job to stay and watch him, so you couldn't leave your post.

"What is that?" You asked, motioning to the case that Dean held in his hand. You didn't bother whispering, knowing that both Deans had always been light sleepers.

Past Dean woke up at the sound of your voice and your eyes averted his quickly, now focusing on the locked case that sat on the table.

"We got it," Dean smiled genuinely for the first time in 5 years. "We finally got the colt."

"We're gonna do this?" You asked hesitantly. You had been waiting for this moment for years, but now that it was here, you were uncertain.

"Do what?" Past Dean piped up. He ignored the glare that his future self gave him and turned to you. Even though you had asked him to kill the world when he got back to his own time, he couldn't deny that he trusted you more than anyone else.

"We're going to kill the devil."


Dean couldn't help but feel that there was something wrong. His future self had convinced him to go on the mission to kill Lucifer, but only because he was being protected by Zachariah. Now he sat in the back of an army Jeep headed into a Croatoan hot zone. You sat next to him with Cas on your other side. Your eyes were forward, dead set on avoiding Dean's.

A few hours later the Jeep stopped in a small empty lot. The surrounding buildings that once belonged to large corporations were now covered in overgrowth. Windows were shattered and broken glass, along with other debris, cluttered the streets.

Future Dean was the first one out of the Jeep. He began to unload weapons quickly and pass them around to the group of about 10. A circle quickly formed to discus the plan once more.

"Where are all the Croats?" A man asked. He looked to be more of a boy, actually. Probably 16 or 17 years old. "We're in a hot zone and there aren't any around."

"They know we're here," Future Dean muttered gravely. "They're letting us by because Lucifer controls them."

"Well I guess sneaking in is out of the question," You spoke up. "So we just go in guns blazing?"

"He doesn't know we have the colt. It's our best shot. All of you will go in from the front and I'll sneak around the back. We might be able to catch him off guard." Future Dean answered.

"Hey, uh could I talk to you for a moment?" Past Dean looked to his future self.

He nodded and they both headed off to a more secluded spot. Their actions peaked your suspicion but you ignored it. You instead focused on storing as much ammo in your jacket as you could.

"Why are you lying to them?" Dean demanded as soon as he was sure no one else could hear him.

"I'm not." Was all his future self replied.

"You're sending them on a suicide mission!" Dean fumed, trying to keep his voice low. "Those Croats aren't letting any of us get by and you know it. They're waiting for us."

An angry silence fell upon the two as they stared into each other's eyes.

"I know you." Dean spoke carefully. "I know you wouldn't do this to them. Not to Cas. Not to Y/N. You wouldn't let them die."

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