TV Land

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Request: (Sam x Reader)) A request where the Reader, Dean, and Sam, get sucked into the real world (Such as the French mistake.) And of course. find a way out. But until then, they have to act and go 'home'. The reader is married to Sam, and what's more of a surprise is, they have children. (I love angst)

Request: Jealous Dean plz

A/N: I mashed these two together and changed a few details. Hope you like it.


"It's an important talisman," Castiel explains, showing you a picture from the lore. "We can't let it fall into the wrong hands."

"And where do you expect us to find it?" Dean asks, raising an eyebrow. We are sitting at the long table in the dining room of the bunker. His feet are propped up on the table and his arms are resting behind his head.

"It says here that Gabriel hid it in one of God's infinite universes," Cas shoves his nose back into the book. "If we can find it before Crowley, I think we might be able to find God."

"Not this again," Dean groans. "Cas, God isn't coming back anytime soon."

Cas looks up in objection. "Dean, I-"

"Cas is right," You interrupt him and turn to face Dean. "Even if God is gone for good, we still need that thing. Crowley and powerful objects don't exactly mix well." You look into Dean's eyes to see the mix of anger and loss. He understands the whole "absent father" situation and it triggers him easily.

This is a rough subject for him and Cas, and you hate watching them argue over it constantly. After giving Dean an apologetic look, he calms down. His fists unclench and his jaw relaxes. Dean knows the power that you hold over him; he can't help but get lost in your comforting eyes, no matter how angry he is. He almost resents how much he loves you because of that.

You look to your left to see Sam nodding along too. "Where would we find it?" His eyebrows are arched up, making the crease in his forehead clearly visible. You love that look, in fact, you love all of his looks. Sadness, anger, confusion, joy, and pure exhaustion. Sam can find a way to be gentle and terrifying at the same time.

"Urgh, it's hard tell the exact location, but I can send you to the general area in the universe." Cas is muttering, which is a bad sign. He only mutters when he is anxious.

"Cas... What universe is that?" Dean voices your thought.

"The TV show one," He replies sheepishly. The two Winchesters groan. "I suppose that Gabriel's humor got the best of him. You don't have to worry about finding a way back this time. I'll get you after 24 hours." You notice that his words still don't reassure the brothers like he wanted them to.

You look to Sam and crack a smile. "What's so wrong with that universe?"

Sam rubs his forehead and let's out a dry laugh. His feelings for you make him so nervous that he doesn't know how to respond sometimes. He falls harder for you everyday but can't come up with the words to say it. "We were there a while back. Apparently acting isn't as easy as we thought. Plus, everyone died, including Cas."

Dean looks to the angel. "Yeah, sorry about that, man."

Cas stands up and opens a small can of white paint that he had brought with him. He walks over to a door and begins to paint a sigil using his fingers. "You don't need to worry about that. Their universe's reality depends on ours."

"What does that mean?" Dean asks. His voice is rough.

"That universe constantly forms to the events that take place in this one. I'm still alive in our world, so when you go back, I'm sure that the other version of me will be too. It's all rather complicated, just trust me. Everything changes. The people might not even remember what happened."

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