𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝟏: 𝐍𝐞𝐰 𝐁𝐞𝐠𝐢𝐧𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬

880 36 59

March 16, 1988Chicago, IL

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March 16, 1988
Chicago, IL

Desmond shoved everything that he could fit into his first suitcase, before proudly zipping it close. Looking around his bedroom, that will soon become his old room, he took it all in being that he doesn't know how long he'll be away. With any luck, he'll be gone for a while and actually getting some work done.

He was leaving for New York, and he was more than ready to get out there. Everyone seemed to have travelled to the big apple for their dreams to come true, and Desmond hoped he was one of the lucky ones. He had talent, it was undeniable.

Desmond felt like he could do it all. Sing, rap, act, write, and even play instruments. Thanks to him attending a performing arts school, it's like he already had a head start in the music business, or any business that goes on in the industry. This is what he wanted to do for a while now, he could just feel the success creeping up on him.

Maybe it was just his confidence though, and he'll need that.

Hearing light knocks on his room door, he glanced over his shoulder and saw his mother, Cheryl, making her way inside. She smiled at him packing up his belongings "You bout ready to run outta here ain't you?"

"Now mama, you know imma miss y'all." He told her honestly "I gotta get out there though, if I'm trying to dive into this music stuff."

"I know, I know." She sighed and sat down on his bed "I just wish you weren't going alone, New York is a hectic place."

He chuckled at her forgetting once again, that he had a travel buddy "Ma how many times I gotta remind you that Gino is coming with me? For the whole experience." She rubbed her face, remembering him saying that three times already "Besides, I don't think New York could get any more hectic than Chicago."

That she could agree with him on, where they live is completely filled with hoodlums and all kinds of bad influences. Desmond parents made sure to keep him and his younger brother Devin away from the wrong crowds. They felt proud that their first and oldest son decided to stay out of the mix with the rest of the delinquents around here. He was going away in hopes for a career, and they couldn't ask for more.

"So what's the first thing you boys plan to do when y'all get down there?"

"Sleep, thankfully Gino know a dude who's willing to share his apartment with us until we get on our feet."

Going to the big apple with nothing but a suitcase is insanity, which is why the boys been saving up to leave for almost two years now. It wasn't nowhere near enough to buy or even rent anything in New York, but hopefully they'll get somewhere. Desmond would hate for them to end up on the streets like the other 73% of New Yorkers.

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