𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝟏𝟎: 𝐖𝐚𝐧𝐧𝐚 𝐋𝐢𝐯𝐞 𝐋𝐚𝐯𝐢𝐬𝐡

175 11 88

October 11, 1988
Las Vegas, NV

Hearing the curtains get pulled back, the sunlight instantly hit Desmond in the face, causing him to squint and turn his head. Gino stood there taking in the view of the city, with his hands on his hips, as if he was some caveman who was ready to go out and explore the world for the first time. They've been exploring for months now.

"What's the first thing we should do today?"

Glaring towards the clock, Desi smacked his lips and closed his eyes again "Nigga it's 10:08 in the morning, getcho black ass back in the bed." He mumbled and his friend only waved him off "Anybody came by here this morning?" Desmond asked, knowing his friend was probably up a hour before him.

Being that the duo was traveling for months, they were used to one of the bandmates coming in to basically pull them out of bed. Early as hell in the morning since they had a lot of work to do. Desmond was more surprise that Gino was awakening him, instead one of the other members.

"Yeah, the band said they had a interview to go and do." Gino shrugged.

Desi furrowed his brows "An interview? Without us?" He questioned in confusion.

Gino pursed his lips like he said something wrong "Yeah, they still promoting an album that ain't got shit to do with us." He reminded his friend, knowing how he can be "We not apart of Sade for real, we just the niggas filling in on stage for tour." Gino joked but Desmond didn't find anything humorous about all of this.

Though Gino was completely right, Desmond couldn't help but to feel a little left out. It would've been nice to spend the day with the rest of the band while they did they little interviews. Were Desi and Gino not that important for that kind of spotlight? Absolutely not, it seemed. They might as well been apart of the stage director's crew at this point. Since that was the only place they were wanted and needed.

"That's fucked up, they could've at least brought us along to sit in the background."

"Man it's plenty of shit for us to be doing while they out doing a boring ass interview, if your ass ever get out of bed and stop complaining."

Desmond shook his head "I'm serious bro, we suppose to be making a name for ourselves. This could've been a nice way for folks to get to know about the other two guys in the back."

"I understand bro, but folks don't give a fuck about the two guys in the back. Everybody sights are on the lead singer, they wanna interview her. I doubt the rest of they ass is getting more than two questions thrown at them." Gino spoke, not thinking it was that big of a deal. His friend was just cranky as hell cause he just woke up.

"Shit two questions is better than none, at least they getting some kind of attention off the stage." Desmond argued, that bothering him the most.

The rest of the group were apart of the band way longer than them, so of course they would be in the press with the lead singer. It was nothing Desmond could do, but accept it until was his time.

While Desmond was busy throwing a jealous fit, little did he know that the group was discussing plans about him and Gino anyway. Being that the tour was nearing the end, it was time to get serious and see whether or not everyone was on board about their positions being temporary or permanent.

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