𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝟏𝟕: 𝐓𝐡𝐢𝐧𝐤𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐁𝐨𝐮𝐭 𝐘𝐨𝐮

144 8 18

May 22, 1989

Scratching another lyric off on the paper, Sade sighed to herself and decided to just ball the whole thing up, wanting to start over. For most of the day she's been in her flat, just cleaning and trying to write songs without being bothered by the outside world and those strolling around. For about four months now she's been out of the limelight and trying to focus on herself. Her negative thoughts would find her here and there, and cause her to have random outburst. She wasn't trying to let them get the best of her, but she was failing, and sitting in here alone wasn't helping. She didn't want her or her problems to be a burden to anyone.

So every now and then, she would find herself in her back room writing songs, in the kitchen cooking, or even gardening. Anything to keep her busy and her mind else where.

The public however wasn't too fond of her absence, and because of it, the media was starting to act an ass. Every other day it's a rumor about her in the paper, saying how she's all love sick and locking herself in the house away from the world, probably going mad. Of course she was comfortable with being in her home relaxing after nearly a year of working, since when did that become a crime? She just gave them a tour! Sade wasn't a fan of constantly being in the spotlight and her privacy came first, so irritated would be an understatement of how she felt about the media and their games.

"Forget it, I can't focus like this." She sighed and set the pen down in annoyance. Glaring over at the box of newport's, she started to go for one until she heard her doorbell go off.

Knitting her brows together since she wasn't expecting anyone to stop by, she strolled towards the window first. Being that the paparazzi have been going crazy lately, she needed to search the small yard before opening anything up around here. Seeing that the coast was clear, she stepped aside and opened the front door, seeing her big brother Banji on the other side with his daughter Lily.

Sade gasped in excitement before stepping out to give him a big hug, as if she hasn't seen him in years, though it feels like it sometimes. With her being busy with her career, and Banji just living his life else where with his little family.

"What are you doing here?" She asked with a small giggle at his surprise pop up.

"We were in the neighborhood." He shrugged and nodded over towards Lily.

Sade scooped her niece up in her arms, before gently squeezing her "She's getting so big." She chuckled and walked inside her house, her brother following in suit.

Banji snickered while closing and locking the door "Sade, she's only five."

"I know, it's like yesterday she was still a baby though."

"I'm not a baby anymore." Lily said, in disapproval of that word.

Sade raised a brow "Oh really? you sure don't sound like one anymore. Time really does fly." She finally placed her down.

"Yeah, it seems that way when you're a megastar on the road all the time." Her brother pointed out.

"Please don't even mention anything star related to me a the moment, i've been staying out of the spotlight for a little while now."

"I see, and now the newspapers are making it seem like you're in here losing your mind." Banji chuckled while shaking his head and finally taking a seat on the couch.

"Don't tell me you actually believe what's written in the papers about me."

"Absolutely not, but why would they think that, Shar?"

She waved it off "Because they expect me to be out in the public eye 24/7 and I refuse to be one of those celebrities. For a whole year I promoted my album with a tour, music videos, photoshoots and Interviews. The least I can do after all that is take a break, it's only been six months." She ranted.

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