𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝟏𝟔: 𝐆𝐚𝐦𝐞𝐬 𝐖𝐨𝐦𝐞𝐧 𝐏𝐥𝐚𝐲

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Coming down to the lobby for breakfast, Desi squinted his eyes around the cafe area, trying to find that familiar face

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Coming down to the lobby for breakfast, Desi squinted his eyes around the cafe area, trying to find that familiar face. With no luck, he didn't spot the same gorgeous chick who invited him down here in the first place, but thought she would be on her way soon. She was probably taking her a hot shower and trying to mix in all her smell goods, to impress Desmond.

He walked over and took a seat at a empty table, deciding to just patiently wait before grabbing himself something to eat. He could smell the delicious food already, making his stomach growl. As he minded his business he noticed an old couple giving him the side eye, staring at him as if he didn't belong here. He gave them the same stare, wanting so badly to just stick up his middle finger. He wasn't that rude though, but he could be if they didn't turn their attention else where in 0.5 seconds.

Desi looked the other way and saw the line getting longer for breakfast, and just hoped this Nova chick didn't stand him up. It's funny that he beat her down here though he wasn't an early bird. His eyes danced over to the entrance and peeped Jeffrey leaving out with a pack of newports, first thing in the morning. Shaking his head, he counted that this was the third time he smoked while out here, including Sade. Though she made it look good.

Speaking of the singer, Desmond seen her walking up towards his table, with a tiring look on her face. He could tell she just woke up not long ago, but she was already dressed up for the day. Sporting normal blue jeans with a somewhat oversized white top, that was tied in the front "Good morning." Desi greeted her with a playful smile.

"Morning." She croaked out in a sleepy tone before clearing her throat. Sitting down across from him, she sat her elbows on the table, resting her chin on her arms before staring ahead. She looked like a tired kid who just showed up to school for the morning.

Desi couldn't help but to snicker "You hungover or something?" He questioned, though he could already tell.

"A little bit." She groaned and he chuckled once again "But I enjoyed myself yesterday." She assured him with a toothless smile.

"I know you did, your ass wasn't ready for the night to end at all." He reminded her and they both shared a small laugh. She didn't get sloppy drunk or anything but she definitely had enough to drink. She beat everybody at beer pong and had the losers handing over money, even people who weren't playing the game. Afterwards, Audrey actually convinced her to dance a little on top of the bar, which she drunkly did before she felt herself getting sick. Quincy had to carry her bridal style up to her room, but since he was also drunk off his ass, he ended up dropping her while coming off the elevator. It was a sight to see, but overall they all got her to her room at the end of the night "I'm glad you enjoyed your special day though."

She nodded in agreement before glaring over towards the line for breakfast "Why aren't you eating yet?" She questioned, being ready to go and grab her a plate already. The crispy croissants is what really caught her eye.

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