#1. You're Older & He Gets Bullied

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Calum (16) (14): You were walking towards the lunch room with a few of your friends, some of them being guys, when you spotted your 14 year old brother, Calum. You smiled and waved and he shyly waved back, which was weird since you guys were really close and always have been. But you didn't really think anything of it. A few more periods go by and it was the end of the day. You and Calum had walked since your car wouldn't start so you had to wait for him by the front of the school. He was taking a little while to get out of the school, which worried you a little, because he's always booked out of there when school ended. You breath a sigh of relief when you spot him, he quickly walked over to you, with his head down. You threw your arm around his shoulder and began walking. Noticing how he didn't ask you about the car or anything. "How was school today, bud?" You ask with a smile, teasingly pushing him around the side walk, since he was always interested in learning new things, he was a bit of a nerd, but it was adorable. He looked up at you with his lip trembling, "Horrible." He replied, with tears in his big brown eyes, making you frown and stop walking. "What happened, bud?" You ask, in a comforting tone, crouching down to his height since he was quite short for his age. "E-everybody's so mean to me! They all m-make fun of m-me!" He stutters, jumping into your arms, bursting into tears. Your heart breaks and he cries into your chest, holding some of your shirt tightly in his hand. "Shh, calm down bud, calm down." You coo, hoping to stop his tears with your comforting tone. He calms down slowly, still holding onto you tightly, "I'll help you, Cal. Don't worry." You say softly, rubbing his back, pushing some of his hair off his face. He nods shakily into your chest, leaning up to kiss your cheek. You smile and continue to walk home, holding his hand the entire time.

Luke (17) (14): You sat in your history class, listening to the teacher give a lecture about Rome, when the teacher's phone rang. All the students groaned, and the teacher sighed and picked it up, nodding with a few 'yeah's' mixed in, he hangs up then looks towards you. "Gather your stuff, you're needed in the office." He says, and you nod, confused since you hadn't done anything. You begin walking towards the office, seeing the principal waiting for you outside with a serious look on his face, making you nervous. "Hi Y/N, I tried calling your parents but nobody answered their cell phones, or your house phone and you're on Luke's emergency contact list, so you'll be excused for the rest of the day, I need you to take him home." He says, obviously referring to your little brother, Luke, who was a freshmen. "Is there something wrong with Luke?" You asked, a bit worried. "A boy in your grade found him in the bathroom and carried him down here" He sighs, opening the door for you. You smile slightly, to be polite but weren't entirely sure what to think or do, and then you walk in, freezing at the sight before you. Luke was sat in one of the chairs, his knees pressed to his chest, crying his eyes out, his face and arms were covered in bruises, and you couldn't even see all of him. He honestly looked horrible. You kneel in front of the chair, bringing his chin up with your fingers, "Babe, what happened to you?" You ask softly, wiping his tears away carefully, even though they kept cascading down his pale, bruise covered cheeks. "I was at my locker and the football team dragged me into the bathroom and started hitting me, they wouldn't stop." He whimpers, reaching out for your hand "Please don't make me stay here." He says softly, a pleading tone in his voice. You nod, signing the papers to excuse him and walk out of the building, pissed that anyone would hurt your baby brother since he was so sweet to everyone. And the football would have hell to pay. You would make sure of it.

Michael (17) (15): You and your brother were only 2 years apart, but you were still extremely protective over him. Just as he was with you. So when you heard that people were picking on him, you were furious, even more so to hear that it was your friends bullying him. You walked to your lunch table and slammed your hand down on the table, causing everyone to look at you. The entire lunch room went silent and you saw Michael and his friends smile when they saw you, since they were getting bullied as well. "What the hell?" One of your friends laughs, like she's completely innocent with the matter at hand.You narrow your eyebrows at her, "You know exactly why I'm here" You spit, glancing towards Michael and his three friends, Luke, Calum and Ashton, who were smiling at you, since you were like a big sister to all of them too. She coughs a bit and chuckles, "It was just a joke Y/N, lighten up, we were just kidding around" She laughs, and they all nod along with her, trying to save their own butts for sure. You laugh dryly, "It wasn't a funny joke, He's younger than you. It's kinda pathetic that you need to make a 15 year old upset just for a laugh." You say harshly and she stands up, getting in your face, "Watch your tone Clifford." She says, pushing you roughly. You stare at her in disbelief, thinking for just a split second that she was supposed to be your friend, but then you lunged at her, knocking her to the ground. You both start throwing punches until a teacher breaks it up, sending you to the office, where your parents were called to pick you up. You ended up with a split slip and a black eye, which was like a paper cut compared to the other girl. Your mother stares at you angrily, "Why? Why did you need to start a fight with her? You guys are like best friends. And have been!" You sighed, "Not anymore, her and the rest of my friends have been picking on Michael. She pushed me so I went off on her, she deserved it." You say not regretting what you had just done, looking towards you mother as she pulls into the driveway, "I'm glad you were sticking up for your little brother but next time, try not to get physical, it'll save us both some trouble." She says messing up your hair with her hand, trying to hide her smile.

Ashton (16) (14): Your brother, Ashton, was always a very quiet kid. Even at the age of 14, he was more of a stay at home kind of kid, trying to ditch school at whatever cost. You were babysitting him one night when you heard sobbing, loud, heart wrenching sobbing. You followed the sound all the way to your brothers bed room and your heart dropped. But you knew it was coming from him, he was the only other one in the house.. you just didn't want to believe it. You knocked softly, "C-come in." He says in a broken voice, you open the door, immediately feeling small arms wrap around your waist. You look down to see Ashton crying, with his head buried into your torso, since he was very tiny, and couldn't reach your shoulder. "Ash, whats wrong?" You ask, lifting his head up towards you. "Bullies, they're everywhere!" He sobs and you sigh, tightening your grip around him, since this had been a problem for a little while, but you did all you could do at this point. You coo at him for a little while, until his sobs turn into cries, then to sniffles, then to whimpers. "Ash, we're gonna have to move schools if it's getting this worse." You say softly, and he nods rapidly, obviously liking the idea of getting away from his tormentors. You sigh once more and sit on his bed with him in your lap, curled into your chest. You sway your body, humming his favorite song to him, and he slowly dozes off. Before he falls asleep he whispers to you, "Please don't leave." To which you nod, and lay down, holding him protectively in your arms, swearing to yourself that you would never let anyone hurt him again.


All credits to tumblr!

Hope you enjoyed.

Bye!!!!! (・ω・)

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