#6. You're Older And He Gets Bullied

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This is a different one & is from tumblr

Luke (18) (17): You walked in the tour bus expecting a bunch of screaming at a TV, or someone there to greet you. There was no one really there. You peeked your head in and only heard sobs from someone. You walked in the bus, worried a groupie had just killed the band and then realized how wrong it was. Then you saw Luke on the top bunk with his face stuffed in his knee's. And the other boys around him. You walked closer to him and said "What did you guys do to him?" All the boys turned to you and Calum said "Thank god, we can't get him to tell us what's wrong he's been like this for an hour." You hoped in the bunk and said "Luke, what's wrong?" He just looked up at you and said "People hate me. They all hate me." Who the fans? He knew better than that. The haters? Maybe, but when did he pay attention to them "Who?" He just sighed and turned to the wall, and you said "Who?" Again he bit his lip back and said "The fans, they had #LukeHemmingsSucks trending world wide. It really got to me Y/N." You turned to the boys, how could they not know this and you said "For how long!" "An hour." You sighed and said "Luke, you can't listen to them-" "I can Y/N! I mean they all have amazing reasons for hating me!" You were fuming your little brother couldn't get it through his thick head that he was amazing. And finally you broke, you we're in tears now and you said "Luke, I hate seeing you like this. Just turn off the internet, and come hang out with us." He turned to you finally realizing that you we're crying. You protected Luke no matter what, and he knew you were emotional, So when he saw you crying he nodded, and said "I'm really really sorry for making such a big deal out of this!" "Don't be, those people shouldn't made a big deal out of your imperfections."

Ashton (22) (20): Finally. Your you could go see your little brother perform. And while it was hectic, you still loved seeing him up there doing something he loved. You could say you we're his #1 fan. Afterwards you made your way backstage, Michael already knew you we're coming so he let the bodyguards know you were coming. You hugged the other boys before making you way back to the dressing room. You knocked lightly, and you didn't get an answer. Instead you heard a light sob. You opened the door and saw Ashton pressed up against the vanity. His face in his hands, as soon as you closed the door behind you, he looked up. He scrambled to his feet, and hugged you. You hugged him back and said "What's wrong?" He stepped back and took a deep breath "I screwed up one thing on stage! Did you hear there boo's once they realized. The hate and rumors on twitter are just crazy. They hate me. They don't even want me in the band." "Who?" You asked, you knew the answer but you knew that this was an on-going thing too. "The fans." You started giggling and he looked at you and said "Why are you laughing?" You tried to keep in your giggles and said "There not fans if they hate on one of you. There just haters, and you know those don't matter. Because of how many people you have standing behind you, and love you and what you do." He smiled and said "Really?" "Really." He wrapped you in a hug and said "Thanks." "Any time little man."

Calum (16) (14): He came home and ran straight to his room. Usually Mali-Koa would be straight up after him making sure he was okay, but she wasn't home today. So you did it, and immediately you regretted it. You walked in the room to see Calum screaming into his pillow. You sighed, you knew he was getting bullied, you just thought your parents had taken care of it after talking to the teacher. You walked over to him and started rubbing circles in his back and said "What's wrong?" He looked up at you, face red and eyes to match. And he said "They keep doing it. There getting really bad. The call me such horrible things. I didn't even know how to respond. And now there calling me sissy because I don't do something about it!" You laided down beside him and said "There jerks." He nodded and said "I can't go back, they just make me feel horrible, like-" He started sobbing again, and you took his chin in your hand, raising it up so you could look him in the eye and you said "Your going to be okay. Lets go tell mom." "I don't want to tell mom! She's just going to go to the school, and they obviously don't care!" "Calum, we're going to go tell mom. And if they keep picking on you realize that there not going to go anywhere in life with that attitude, and you know, you're headed for big thing, I know it." Reluctantly, he did go downstairs and tell your mom.

Michael (12) (18): You're parents we're trusting you alone with your little brother for the week while they took a vacation. And you we're happy to do it. An hour after you got Michael to school, you got a call from his principle telling that you're parents needed to come down immidatly. You told him it was just you, so you would have to go. You drove like a maniac thinking something had happened to Michael. Once you got in the office you saw Michael sitting slouched on the chair, holding his eye. You walked over to him and knelt in front of him and said "What happened!" The principle coughed and you looked up at him, and he said "You see Mr.Clifford, punched one of his classmates." You turned to Michael then back to him and said "Then why is he holding his eye?" "Because the student reacted back." "Okay, so why isn't he in trouble too." "Because it was girl he punched and even if it would have been a boy, they didn't start it." You turned back to Michael ready to smack him in the face, but you could see out of his other eye tears we're dripping. You softened up and said "I'll make sure, he knows-" "He dismissed for the week, come back and get his homework." You nodded, you grabbed Michael's arm, tugging him out of the room. Once you guys got in the car he started crying, and he said "I know it was really bad of me. But the girl kept calling me fat, and all her friends were laughing and agreeing! I got so mad, I'm so sorry." You started the car, turning to your little brother and said "I totally agree with you, she deserved that, but, Michael you can't hit people, girls or boys." He sighed and said "I know Y.N, they just wouldn't stop!" You sighed giving in to him and said "Come on, we can go and get pizza, we'll call mom and dad, tell them about what you did. Then tell them about the bulling okay?" He nodded and said "Thanks for not freaking out."

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