#13. Camping (Michael)

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Michael (13):

Camping. Out of all the things your family could've done, it had to be camping.

Your parents had rented a cabin for the weekend. Your mom had mentioned something about  'family bonding time' but you didn't really pay attention. You and your brother weren't too thrilled. Let's just say, you were more of the 'stay inside and avoid nature people'. 

Currently, you were sitting on the couch in the family room, scrolling through Instagram. You didn't pay much attention to the photos, but you kept scrolling. Your mom stepped into the room and sighed when she saw you on your electronics.

"(Y/N), why don't you go outside and play! It's such a gorgeous day. Don't just sit on your phone." You groaned.

"But Mom sitting on my phone all day is fun!" You exclaimed, stretching your arms above your head, then continuing to scroll. She sighed with frustration.

Suddenly, your phone was ripped out of your hands. You looked up and saw your mother dangling it in front of your face. "Then you don't get this back till you are outside for at least an hour." And with that, she walked out of the room.

"Mom," You whined, "I don't wanna go outside!"

"Too bad!"

Groaning, you got up and put your shoes on. You took a step out of the door and instantly your eyes squinted at the bright sun. There was a creek not too far, so you decided to hang out there. 

You were tossing rocks into the running water when you heard a branch snap. Quickly, you turned your head to see what it was. Not seeing anything potentially dangerous, you shrugged it off thinking it was an animal. You went back to throwing rocks, attempting to skip them.

"Boo!" Someone yelled from behind you, making you jump and scream. You flipped around, only to come face to face with your older brother, Michael, who was laughing hysterically.

"Ha ha ha, not funny." You stated, shoving his shoulder. 

"Y-yes it is" he laughed out, "Oh my gosh, you should've seen your face." You rolled your eyes, repeating his words in a mocking voice.

"Why are you out here anyway?" You asked.

"Mom told me I had to. She took my phone away," placing his hands on his hips, "what are you doing?"

"Throwing rocks." You said, tossing another into the stream.

"That's boring. Let's go explore."

"Ugh, I suppose."


You ended up finding a trail and followed it for a while. It led to a small ledge that overlooked a lake. The sight was honestly breathtaking. 'Maybe outside was could actually be fun' you thought to yourself. Michael sat down on a stone, patting the space next to him for you to sit down as well.

"Woah, this is epic," Michael said as he stretched out his legs. You agreed, this was a sight to see. Time went on as you both talked and laughed, enjoying each other's company. Apparently, you were enjoying it too much because you didn't realize the sun starting to set.

"Woah, look at the sunset." You said, staring at the pink, orange, and purple colors illuminating the sky.

"It's very pretty, but we should probably start heading back. I don't really want to spend the night in the woods." He said to you. You nodded and made your way back to the cabin. 

"There you kids are!" Your mom exclaimed once you and Michael made it through the door, "did you have fun outside?"

You and Michael looked at each other, then back at your mom "I guess."

"Good." She went to leave the room, but Michael stopped her.

"Wait, mom."


"Can we have our phones now?"


(Updated 2019)

Hey guys!

How are you all?

Thank you so much for 7k reads! Holy freak guys! That's amazing! Thank you so much! <3

Question: DC or Marvel?

Answer: DC :)

Again, thanks for reading! And to all the people who had given me requests, those will be out soon! Thanks guys!


-Rhi x

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