#8. You're Older And Your Boyfriend Is Mean To Him (Calum)

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Calum (15)(18):

You and your boyfriend, Tom, were sitting on your couch. It was silent, besides the small talk every now and then. You were hanging off the couch playing Minecraft on your phone, while Tom was sitting upright doing whatever. Two legs appeared in your vision, so you craned your neck to see who it was. Seeing it was your little brother, you smiled. 

"Hi Cal!" You greeted, looking to his upside-down figure.

"Hey, uh, are you guys using the TV? There's a football game on in a few minutes and I kinda want to watch it." He asked, swaying on his feet.

"No, we aren't using it. Go ahead" He thanked you and sat down on the couch.

He turned the game on, not taking his eyes off of the screen. You watched with him for a bit, but it hurt your head, so you went back to your game. Tom sighed, snapping his head towards Calum

"Can you turn it down, dude? My ears hurt." What? The TV wasn't even loud.

"Oh yeah, sorry man," Calum apologized, grabbing the remote and turning it down a few notches. You stared at Tom giving him a 'what the fuck' face. He ignored you and continued to his phone. A few minutes went by and no one said anything. That was until a goal was scored.

"Yes!" Calum said, clapping his hands. Tom sighed again

"You know man, you don't need to scream. Maybe go watch this somewhere else if you're going to be obnoxious." 

"Tom he didn't even scream," You told him, sitting up, "Let him watch the game." Tom simply rolled his eyes, not seeming to care about what you said. Calum sunk down into the couch. Why was Tom being so rude? 

You started watching the game with Calum, not focusing on your boyfriend. Tom noticed this. He grumbled and took matters into his own hands.

"Oh so now you're going to pay attention to the TV instead of me, Y/N?" He stood, sending a sharp glare Calum's way, "You'd rather spend time with your wimpy brother, huh?"

Now you were angry. Nobody treats Calum that way.

 "Okay, Tom, I think you should go."

 "What? Why me? I think he should leave," He pointed at Calum, "he's being rude and budding into our space." 

Calum started to get up, but you pushed him back onto the couch. Tom glared at him again, making him curl up. 

"Tom, get out," He didn't budge. 

You stood up, your face screaming with anger. 

 "We're done, Tom. Get out of my house."

"Whatever Y/N," He rolled his eyes and made his way to your door, "Call me when your head is straight." He left.

You turned to Calum, feeling terrible about what had just happened. He didn't look at you, only focusing on the TV. You sat down next to him and wrapped your arm around him. Calum leaned his head on your shoulder and sighed.

"I'm sorry, Y/N. I didn't mean to ruin your relationship."

You laughed and ran a hand through his hair, "Don't apologize, Cal, Tom is an ass. Don't listen to anything he said. Let's just focus on this game!"

The team you were both rooting for scored a goal, and out of habit you had to scream. So, you did, at the top of your lungs



(updated this cause it was trash-2019)

Hey guys!

Ahh!! Thank you so much for 1k reads!!! Love you guys!

Sorry, this one wasn't very good. Anyway thanks for reading! Peace!

Question: Malum or Lashton?

Answer: I'm Malum trash lol

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