#22. Halloween (Luke)

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"Luke!" You yell, walking into the living room "can we go now?"

Today was Halloween, and you wanted to go trick-or-treating. Even though you were 13 you still didn't care, I mean it's free candy, who can pass up the opportunity?

Anyways, you wanted to go with some of your friends, but your mom didn't like that idea. She wanted you to go with an adult, aka you man-child of a brother, Luke. So that's what you ended up doing.

This year you decided to be a ninja and you were pretty proud of your costume. But Luke, being his boring self, didn't dress up at all.

"Ugh, I guess." He groaned putting his shoes on. Then walking out the door.

You and Luke walked down streets, getting candy from people. Pretty soon, you had more then half a pillow case full of candy.

"My feet hurt, can we go back now?" Luke whined.

"Okay, fine." You said, then started walking back to your house.

"Finally!" Luke said once he stepped inside your house "your gonna share that candy with me, right (y/n)?"


Sorry this was short, but I hoped you liked it :)

Qotd: Did you have a good Halloween?

Aotd: yeah, other then the fact that I felt sick after I ate candy lol

Thanks for reading!


-Rhi xo

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