Loyalty test- Ray Mond

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This is it. This is the day when I have to prove my loyalty to my family. The family I've been with and a part of since the start of my journey in Los Santos.

They taught me the ropes, gave me support, love, resources, everything. They had my back and I had theirs but I guess it was not enough. Nothing I do is ever enough...

It wasn't enough when Randy chose to believe Lexi over me, it wasn't enough when I was set up by them for disaster. I was just never enough.

My loyalty was never apparent even when I was readily there to slaughter anyone and anything for their sake. It wasn't enough when I was ready to kill Mandem — Tommy for them. It wasn't enough when I'd been to jail, war and what not with them numerous times. It was just never apparent.

Why? Why was I never just good enough?

I never betrayed them, the thought never even grazed my mind but it did theirs. It crossed their mind that I might be deceiving them.. betraying them. Betraying my family.. my day one.

And what did he do? Nothing. What would he do, anyways? I don't blame him. It's gang leader's orders anyways..

The day Mr. K told me that he trusted me and April, I guess it was all false. It was all just meant for April. He trusted her not me. They trusted her not me...

I love April but I just never understood what she has that I don't. I don't get why everyone loves her so much more than me, why they all trust her over me? Why are my efforts invisible to them? Why?

"Ray.." I turned to Randy, "we're here." He had the gloomy expression on his face that I knew he would. I know he doesn't like that this is happening but he can't do anything. Nobody but K can.

I nodded and took of my seatbelt. As soon as I leaned forward to open the door of the car, his hand on mine stopped me. "I'm sorry.." I heard him mumble quietly. I didn't react, I didn't move. I didn't want him to see the tears forming in my eyes, I didn't want him to sense the growing pain in my chest.

Avoiding it, I merely nodded, continuing my motions when I heard him mumble a small, "fuck it-" under his breath and within a second, my body was flush against his. My eyes wide, mind confused as to what was happening. Was he... hugging me..?

"Randy..?" I muttered unsure of his intentions when I felt something cold against my shoulder. My eyes widened and my lips quivered as the realization hit me.

"Are you crying?" I asked him softly as tears threatened to fall from my eyes.

"I'm so fucking sorry, Ray. So fucking sorry-" He broke out into a sob, "I wish I could do something, I really do. We know you're loyal. We all do. You always have been!" he took in a deep breath, "I don't know why K is doing this but I assure you, you never did anything wrong. We know where your loyalty lies. We know.."

I pulled back, "If everyone knew, Randy, I wouldn't have to be here today." And with that, I exited the car, leaving him inside with his thoughts. I hated myself for doing what I just did but I couldn't be soft... not anymore. What I said was right and I know it.

As I walked towards the pier, I felt steps approach me and soon, Randy joined my side. His expression was now stone cold but eyes red. The pain was visible on his face but still masked to the best of his ability.

Soon everyone came into view — all faces serious and gloomy. I didn't bother interacting with anyone as I turned to the person who was kneeling on the ground with a bag hiding their face.

I looked at Randy and put my hand forward, expecting a gun. I looked at him, staring deep into his eyes, "You know exactly what to do, Ray." He whispered to me, handing me the gun.

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