Disgustingly good

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"I need my cock back." Ray rolls her eyes at his comment.

"For the last time, Gunner, I lost it!" She definitely hasn't lost it . . . she just has it kept hidden in her gift pouch. But how can she admit that to him? She simply can't.

"Fine, then!" He huffs, still following her. "I'll just buy you new ones." This makes Ray perk up. "What?" She asks, confused. "You're gonna buy me more gifts because I lost one of the ones you gave me?" She quirks a brow at him.

"Yeah, it was my most precious one too, I gave you my cock, Ray . . " He fake cried, making Ray roll her eyes again, her lips curving up in the slightest.

"Fine, whatever. Let's see what you have up your sleeve." She shrugs at him, her tone challenging. She bites her lip, excitement bubbling inside of her.

No matter how much she tries to deny it, she knows it better than anyone else that some part of her definitely has developed some sorts of feelings for the disgusting man.

"Fine, you'll see, then." He declares before walking away from her, leaving her wondering. What could the gift be?


"A brick, Gunner?" She scoffs, confused yet amused by his uncommon gift. 

"Mhm." He declares happily before leaning down towards her ear, his hair teasing her skin. "It's cause you make me bricked up whenever I see you." He whispers into her ear.

Ray can't help the surge of heat that goes through her body at his actions but of course, she has to pretend that his actions don't phase her at all.

"You're disgusting, Gunner." She pushed him back, providing him no reply to the gift.

"You know you like it, Sunshine." He winks at her before putting on his sunglasses. He salutes at her with two fingers, walking back first towards his cop car before turning around and opening the door, slipping inside.

Ray sighs as she sees him drive away, a barely present smile on her face. "I hope you weren't right this once." She mumbles to herself before getting inside her car to drop off the brick with her other gifts.


"This is not a traffic ticket, Gunner." Ray dead pans at the man. "It's a bank loan statement."

"I'm giving it to you because you have all my interest, Sunshine." He props his elbow on the window slip of the car door, leaning inside as he settles his head on top of his palm.

Ray glances at the documents for a second before looking back at him. "Are you in debt, Gunner?" She asks him, her brow raised.

"Uhh I-" He lifts back up as his hand flies to the back of his neck, scratching the flesh. "I might or might not have taken out a thousand dollar loan for this." He grins at her making her laugh out loud.

"Oh my god, you're so stupid." She hollers. I love it. She wants to add but refrains.

"And when are you planning on paying it off?" She quirks a brow at him again.

"Already did, Sunshine, you worry too much." He winks at her, his hand going to the top of her vehicle.

"You're free to go, miss Mond." He pats the metal top, a certain carefreeness in his voice.

"But be careful and don't get lost. Heaven's a long ride ahead," He gives her a flying kiss before moving away from her car. 

Ray stares at him, more mesmerized than amused before she shakes her head a softly, a chuckle escaping her as she drives away.


"What corny pickup line is it this time?" She asks, amusement lacing her voice as she examines the sun plushie.

"A sun for my sunshine." He answers her question with pride, happy to have added onto her collection of gifts from him.

Ray giggles softly, looking back up at him. "Get yourself a moon one too, then, Moonlight." She tells him before ruffling his hair and walking past him.

Gunner looks straight ahead, a cheeky grin very much evident on his face while Ray Mond walks away from him, an excited smile on her face as she clutches the plushie in her arms, holding it close to his chest like a school girl who just got her first ever gift from her crush.


"Let me guess," Ray mumbles as she fidgets with the lighter in her hand.

"Go ahead," Gunner puts his hands in his pockets, waiting for her to speak patiently.

"Does it have something to do with Chang Gang? Is that why it has the Chinese dragon?" She questions, curious.

"Well, you have a lot to do with Chang Gang so yeah, that was one of the reasons." He gives her a soft smile— one that is unlike himself.

This whole moment is totally unlike them. It's too peaceful. It's like the energy around them has changed.

"What's the pun, though?" She urges, pouting as she thinks. "Is it because I light your soul on fire or something?" She laughs it off.

"Close but no." Gunner chuckles. He steps forward. "It's because you light my soul on fire." He says the words looking deep into her eyes. Neither can escape from their urge to let their gazes slip down to each other's lips.

But Ray somehow manages. "That's not fair!" She huffs. "I was just one word off!" She argues, making him chuckle.

"You still got it wrong, though." He argues back, a smile on his face as he leans back on his cop car.

"Yeah, whatever." She rolls her eyes at him, endearment floating around in her eyes.

An emotion he can't seem to catch.


"Another plushie?" Ray gasps with a smile as she takes the dinosaur plushie from him. That's when Gunner decides to step closer, caging her against her NSX.

His head dips down, his hot breath fanning her ear and neck, making the hair on the back of her neck stand up and chills to run down her spine. "Kiss me if I'm wrong but," His voice is low, a hint of humor in it. "dinosaurs still exist, right?" 

He pulls back just enough so that his lips are a mere few inches away from hers. She looks up at him through her lashes, her guts twisting — her heart telling her to go for it but mind holding her back, afraid it's all just a joke.

But before her mind can win over her heart, he dips his head lower, his lips now brushing against hers. Ray takes in a breath before closing her eyes and smashing her lips against his surprisingly soft ones. 

As soon as Gunner registers her actions, his hands wrap around her waist as he pushes her back against the NSX.

"Wanna have sex in the no sex?" He winks at her as he pulls back, in true Gunner style.

"You're so disgusting." She laughs. "Disgustingly good." She whispers the addition before her lips claim his again. The heart finally wins.

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