Sneaky link (1)

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"See, bro, if you want her, just tell me, I'll back off." Randy declared to the young gang leader in front of him who in fact knew that Randy was saying it, just to say it but would not in fact back off. Because he knew... he knew Ray Mond was not someone you could just leave.

Once you get infatuated by her, that's it, you're done. You're hooked and there's no way out.

He knew that she's like a drug. A drug no one can ever get enough of, nor would they like to.

"It's her choice to make, Randy, not ours." Tommy reminded the girl's day one, sighing.

"Yeah," He agreed in a sing song voice— his signature one, to be exact. "But even then, if I show no interest, there's a higher chance she'd go for you, you know?"

Tommy frowned at his words. "Then she'd only be coming to me because she can't get you. I don't want that." He declared, shrugging, burying his hands in the pockets of his pants.

"I mean.. yeah.. hee." Randy murmured. "But I think we both know that I'm her endgame, Tommy while you are just the starter pack." Tommy's eyes widened at his words.

"Is that so?" Tommy asked, stepping forward, inching closer towards Randy who kept his gaze. Both their gazes had certain curious glints in them, as if they were challenging the other.

"You're her endgame, what's she yours?" Tommy asked, leaning back a little. His question sent Randy into thought for a second before he responded. "She's a lot of things for me." He shrugged.

"Yeah, but what are those things, Randy? I'm curious." Tommy asked, a challenging tone to his voice again.

"She's my prodigy, my ride or die, my best friend, family member.. my end game." Randy replied confidently, putting emphasis on the last part. Tommy's eyes widened at his answer, a smirk etched onto his face.

"Is she really?" He asked, surprised. He fired another question when Randy nodded in response. "What about Violet then? What is she?"

Randy didn't hesitate before responding this time. "Whatever me and Violet had is long gone now. Yeah, we flirt here and there but I flirt with a lot of women." Randy shrugged as if the answer didn't affect him at all.

An impressed look crossed over Tommy's face. "You're whipped, huh?" He chuckled as Randy rolled his eyes in response. 

"Nah, she just leng or whateva'." He responded before giggling. "Hee."

Tommy shook his head, tracing the inside of his cheek with his tongue, his hands now settled on his hips. "Yeah, right." He scoffed. "I believe you, Randy Bullet."

"If you want her, I'll back off bruh, mans don't get into this love shit." Tommy's eyes widened in surprise for a moment before he smirked, then laughed. "Who mentioned love, Randy?" Tommy's words sent Randy into his thoughts before his eyes widened and he muttered a small "fuck.".

"I- hee-" He stuttered, not sure what to say. "Love, relationship, like, whatever, same thing." He tried to defend himself but they both knew he had dug himself into a hole. "You're one crazy mother fucker, Randy. It's a perfect match." Tommy chuckled as Randy rolled his eyes, a tinge of red on his cheeks, surprising Tommy.

"Damn, she even got you blushing and shit." He commented, laughing. Randy rolled his eyes. "She doesn't have me blushing, it's you, baby boy." Randy tried to change the topic but to no avail. Tommy knew him all too well.

"Yeah, right." Tommy rolled his eyes, chuckling. "I won't say I'll back off, in fact, I'll take full advantage of this situation you two are in right now to sweep her away but, the decision will be hers at the end. Not ours." He declared, reminding Randy of the falling out he was in with Ray Mond after last night's tequila- la incident.

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