Hope (Jealousy 2)

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Tommy groans as the ringing of his phone reached his ears. He silences his phone, not wanting to talk to anyone. But when it ringed again, worry overcame him as he turned it around to look at the caller. His eyes widened and jaw dropped he looked at the name of the caller.

He quickly picked up the call, putting his phone up to his ear. "Tommyyyy!" Ray yelled into the phone excitedly before her tone turned serious quickly. "Are you okay?"

His brows furrowed, him wondering why she needed to ask him that question but deep down, he knew. Ray was concerned for him. She had heard he'd been acting weird all day, not doing so good. First hearing it from Lana's call and then Dean when he called her. She knew he was instigating but she wanted to check up on him anyways, concerned for the man.

"Yeah, of course. Why are you asking?" He tried to seem as unbothered and normal as possible.

"Where are you? Ping me, 847." A smile crossed Tommy's face as he heard her words along with the numbers. He was surprised yet happy she wanted to meet up and them being next to each other in the pay pal sequence was a small thing but made him even happier.

"Uhh, sure." As soon as he muttered that, she hung up. He quickly sent her his ping before putting his phone down. Soon enough, the loud noise of her NSX could be heard near him. His eyes shifted to the matte black car parking next to him. He was about to get out when he saw her exiting instead. She locked her car and opened the door to his car's passenger seat, getting in.

"Right, so what happened?" She got straight to the point. She didn't wanna let go of the fact that he was stressed. She was worried for him and him not opening up to anyone about it made her even more worried.

He shook his head with a smile, one that he couldn't seem to wipe off his face now that she was here. "There's nothing, Ray. I swear."

"You shouldn't fake swear." She told him with a frown.

"Is it something about the gang? What is it?" She pressed further.

He sighed. "It's about a girl." He told her. Technically, it wasn't a lie but it wasn't the whole truth either.

"Oh." Ray muttered in a disappointed tone. She felt a small pain in her heart. All hopes she had for them both went flying out the window as soon as she heard his words.

"Uhh what is it? I mean, I am a girl. I can help with that, I think." She laughed, flicking her hair back, trying to hide her disappointment behind humor.

He laughed softly. "I don't know if you can.."

"Try me." Even though it hurt, she still wanted to help him. Even if it was just as a friend.

He sighed yet again. "Okay." He took a deep breath. "So there's this girl.." He paused unsure if he should continue or not. He looked up at her, seeing her looking at him curiously, a certain hopeful yet disappointed glint in her eyes giving him the motivation he needed. "She's really fun and sweet, sometimes unhinged, always has a shit ton of energy," He laughed, looking down. "She and I were really close at one point but then drifted apart. She's really beautiful too." He looked back up at her.

"She has long, luscious black hair, grey eyes which I'm pretty sure are contacts," They both laughed. "Her skin always looks flawless, actually, she always looks flawless all together, even."  His eyes raked over her. "I just really like her but don't know how to tell her because I know she has moved on. She used to like me too... but I fucked it up."

"What if you didn't fuck it up, though?" Her words caught him by surprise as he looked back up at her. "What?"

"What if you didn't fuck it up?" She repeated herself. "What if she still likes you but thinks you lost all interest so she just started pretending as if she did too?" He looked at her with hopeful eyes as she continued.

"What if she still thinks about you everyday, hoping something could have happened between the two of you, hoping you'd make a move because she just feels like hers aren't worth it because they don't really matter to you?" She paused, sighing. "And what if she wants nothing more than for you to kiss her right now?"

She looked at him nervously and hopefully while he looked at her, calculating what to do next. "So, you think she'd kiss me back if I were to kiss her right now?" His eyes flickered between her eyes and her lips.

She reciprocated his actions. "I think she's waiting for you to do it." She told him, leaning in a little. Tommy did the same. They both leaned in until their noses touched, their breaths fanning each other, their hearts fluttering for what was about to happen.

Tommy softly and hesitantly pressed his lips to hers, giving her a peck. He pulled back and looked at her for assurance. Seeing her eyes closed, he leaned back in, this time kissing her fully.

Putting their hands on each other's cheeks and necks, they deepened the kiss. The kiss was soft, unlike any they've had before with anyone. It was slow and loving but not unsure anymore. They both knew they wanted it. They both were sure of it. They both liked each other, there was nothing holding them back anymore. Or atleast in the moment.

Ray smiled into the kiss, causing Tommy to smile as well as they both started giggling. Pulling back from the kiss, Tommy looked at Ray admiringly. "I like you, Ray Mond." He announced.

"I like you too, Tommy T." She giggled.

Tommy pulled back, putting his harness on. "Let's color this car purple." He said with a grin.

"A purple hoodie to match would be nice." She winked at him. She opened the door of the car. Tommy looked at her, confused.

"Where are you going?"

"I wouldn't mind a purple pearlescent or under glow on the NSX. I'm sure it would look amazing." She got out of the car as he laughed at her.

She rolled down her car's window. "Race you there?" She smirked at him.

"You bet." 

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