Shattered (1)

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"But.. but I need you... I need you Randy!" A scoff emerged out of the British man as he rolled his eyes at his supposed ride or die. "Well, that's your problem, isn't it, Ray?"

Ray stared at him in disbelief, hurt flashing in her eyes. "You can't do this to me, Randy Bullet, I will not fucking let you." She huffed, wiping her tear stained face.

"Well," He quirked a brow at her. "see if you can stop me." He shrugged. "You brought this upon yourself when you decided to fucking use me, Ray Michelle Mond- Oh, sorry," A low, taunting rumble came out of him. "Ray Mond. You don't deserve my fucking middle name anymore." He spat at her. "Honestly, I don't know why I gave you it. You never deserved it anyways." He shrugged, kicking a small pebble away from where the two stood.

"No, you don't get to fucking decide that. I deserved it and I still do." She defended, her stance stern, her eyes full of determination— determination to not let her day one ruin everything for her— everything he helped her build in the city.

Randy rolled his tongue on the inside of his check, looking away, chuckling to himself. He abruptly stepped closer, making Ray flinch and step back from the sudden movement as he let out an almost menacing laugh. But Ray knew better than to be scared of him. Or maybe she should've been..

He stepped closer again, towering over her. "This is exactly what I'd like to see from you whenever I am around you. That too, if I ever will be," He scoffed. "I need you to flinch and cower in fear around me, Ray Mond." He leaned closer, his face dangerously close to hers. "People seem to have forgotten who Randy Bullet actually is.. And as for you, you never knew. But it's time now. It's time to remind them and let you know who Randy Bullet is." 

His eyes bore into hers but something stirred inside of him when he saw nothing but confidence blaring in the fake silver eyes of hers. She scoffed, putting a hand up to his chest, pushing him back towards the hood of her Supra until he leaned against it, letting her push him.

"I know better than to be scared of you, Randy Bullet. No matter what you do, no matter how much you fucking try, I will never, and I mean never be scared of you." 

"Well, you should be." He retaliated, taking a hold of her hand that was still flat against his chest. "You should be scared of me, Ray Mond." he leaned closer to her, his lips brushing against her ear. "Because I for one, can not only destroy everything outside you, but also within you." He pulled back with a smirk on his face as she glared at him.

"You, Randy Bullet," She put her free hand up, her index finger that is pointed accusingly in front of him, touching the fabric covering his chest. "cannot do shit to me." She declared, her gaze still fixated on him, burning into his soul. "You don't have the fucking guts." She scoffed at him.

"I don't think you want to test my guts, Ray Mond." He retaliated, also taking a hold of her other hand, pulling them behind her back and leaning over her shoulder, his breath fanning her neck. "You wanna know why?"

When she didn't respond, he scoffed. "Because I don't think you can fucking handle it. You can't handle it because I know it will break that precious, little heart of yours." He pulled back, his eyes boring into hers. "The heart you fucking handed over to me, trusting me."

"What a mistake, honestly." He scoffed, holding her hands behind her back with one hand while he ran the other through his thick, white hair. "What a fucking mistake."

"It wasn't a mistake and you cannot convince me otherwise—" Ray Mond bit her tongue, realizing what she had just done as his laugh hollered out of him, filling the air around them. "You, yourself are a fucking mistake, Ray Mond. Your whole existence is." He scoffed at her.

Ray did her best to not let his words get to her. It was hard knowing he was practically everything for her but she did it, she knew he wasn't in the right state of mind. He was blinded by rage. Yet, it got to her. How could it not?

Randy noticed the flicker of hurt in her eyes before she masked it. If he wasn't staring at her so intensely, if his eyes weren't boring into her soul, he wouldn't have. 

Ray knew... she knew that he saw it. She wished he hadn't but at the same time, she was glad he did. She just didn't know why.. She hoped it would snap him out of the daze he was in but fate had something else planned for the mundos. Something that would end up breaking the both of them.

"Says the person who spent his precious time on this mistake, nurturing her into something he cherished and was proud of." She spat back at him, her words filled with venom but lingering hope accompanied it.

"Yeah," He rolled his eyes. "Worst fucking mistake of my life. A year of total waste, honestly."

"If I am so much of a waste then why the fuck are you here, Randy? Why are you still talking to me?" Her eyes bore into his, accusingly. "Why the fuck don't you leave me here— leave me to fucking die?!"

Randy was held back by her words but didn't show it. Didn't want to, rather. But Ray took notice of the regret and guilt flashing in his eyes. "Yeah, that's right. Because you fucking can't." She added, trying to free herself from his grip on her hands. "Leave me," She spat at him, trying to wiggle out of his hold.

"You don't tell me what to do." He declared, tightening his grip on her hands, causing her to wince before immediately loosening it. "You will stay right here till I fucking tell you otherwise. Is that clear or do I need to make it clear?"

When she didn't respond, turning away from him to look anywhere but at him, tears pooling in her eyes before she suppressed them, he tugged at her hands, pulling her closer, making her body smash into his. "Am I fucking clear, Ray Mond?" He asked again, his voice menacing and dripping with venom.

When she still didn't respond, he let go of her, pushing her back but not enough to let her fall, only enough for him to get space between the two of them. He rounded about the hood of the car, standing beside it before smashing his fist into it, putting a dent on the Denim blue supra, making her flinch. "AM I FUCKING CLEAR!?" He roared out, the anger clear in his voice.

Ray Mond shut her eyes close, pressing her lips into a thin line, her jaw ticking. "Randy, I swear to god—"

"Swear what, huh? Swear what?" He scoffed, walking to her again. "What will you do, huh, Ray? Kill me?" He taunted. "Kill yourself?" As soon as the words left his mouth, his eyes widened slightly and his breath stuttered. 

Gulping, he looked at how she perked up at his words, this time, the hurt was clear and blazing in her eyes, clenching his heart.

"Is that what you want?" She asked, her voice barely above a whisper. "Is that what you want, Randy?" She repeated herself, louder. "For me to die?" She gave him a humor absent chuckle. 



His words shocked Ray Mond to the core as she felt her heart shatter like glass into a billion pieces, beyond repair. She took a step back in disbelief, then another before putting her hands on her hips, turning away from him, tears strolling down her cheeks. She started laughing, making Randy concerned but he didn't show it. He couldn't..

"You know what, Randy Bullet?" She turned to him, her tongue poking from behind the flesh of her cheek. "Let's grant you your wish."

"Wait—" Randy's eyes widened as he failed to snatch the gun out of her hands in time as a shot rang out, sending chills through Randy's whole body as his blood ran cold. He heard the sound of birds flying away from him but he was frozen in place, staring at his supposed Mundo, blood oozing out of her.

"Goodbye, my mundo." She smiled at him before her eyes closed and she slipped away. Away from him. 


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