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Gwen Byers groaned as her body collided with a hard, slimy one. The girl's lip trembled as she felt a big drop of Demogorgon salvia drop onto her hair. Gwen slowly craned her neck up to see the face of her captor. Gwen's eyes widened in sheer terror as the monster snarled down at her. Her heart pounded against her chest as she watched the beast raise its jagged claw in the air. The Byers girl closed her eyes in dread. 

Gwen grunted as she was thrown across the room, her frail body hitting the wall with a bang. The young girl tried to catch her breath but it was knocked out of her by the monster's next move. Gwen gasped as a vine wrapped around her waist, pinning her to the floor. She screamed in utter torment as the monster's razor-sharp claws slashed through her sensitive skin. 

Dark, crimson blood started to seep through the back of the girls' off-white blouse. The girl tried to move, but she was in so much pain she could hardly breathe. The Demogorgon screeched as it unfurled its flower-like petals, lined with sharp teeth. Gwen shivered as she looked up to see the Demogorgon's wide, open mouth staring back down at her. The girl squeezed her eyes shut, preparing for the end. 

After a couple seconds of nothing happening, Gwen hesitantly opened her eyes to see that the Demogorgon was frozen. A blueish aroura emanated from the beast, similar to the one that came from her palms when she shut the cabinet doors for Will. How was she doing that? With her mind? Gwen tilted her head upwards to see a pocket knife a few feet away from her head. 

The girl attempted to wriggle her arms out of the vine to retrieve it, which resulted in a shooting pain going up her spine. Stupid Demogorgon. Gwen closed her eyes willing for the knife to come to her and, just like the blowtorch, she felt a small weight in her hand. The Byers girl opened the knife and sliced the vines, effectively saving herself again. Unfortunately for her, she had a lot more extensive injuries this time. 

Deep, red slashes marked the girl's back, accompanied by small cuts made on her bony shoulder blades. You could see the girl's ribs poking through her pale stomach. Her chest was dotted with small green bruises, while her abdomen sported a large purple one, both courtesy of getting thrown against the wall by a Demogorgon. And if that wasn't enough, the girl also had a black eye. 

Gwen groaned as she slowly got to her feet. Her head felt like a boulder, resting on her shoulders, and her back felt like it was ripping open. The girl wrapped her arms around her waist tightly as she felt bile rise up her throat. Gwen suddenly doubled over, clutching her stomach, seconds before a black tar-like substance came out of her mouth. Gwen breathed heavily before wiping the mucus off the corners of her pale lips. The Byers girl smirked slightly when she saw that the muck landed on the, still frozen, Demogorgon's feet. Karma. Gwen stuck her tongue out at the creature before slowly hobbling out of the house. 


By the time Gwen got to Castle Byers, the girl was crawling on her hands and knees. She is definitely going to need stitches. Gwen let out a sigh of relief as she collapsed onto the bed in the corner of the fortress. As soon as the girl's head hit the pillow she was out like a light. No one could have prepared her for what she would wake up to. 


When Gwen woke up it felt like the atmosphere had grown 20 degrees colder. The girls' skin was turning blue. Her natural golden-blond locks were now an almost white color.  Gwen's hair was drenched with what looked like slime. The girl has tiny icicles hanging from her hairline. Her lips were a deep shade of blue. Her eyes had dark circles under them from lack of rest. 

The girl hadn't been able to sleep since Barbara died. Everytime she closed her eyes, she saw Barb holding onto her hand. The look of pure, unafulturated terror written across the older girl's face, as her wrists slipped from Gwen's grip would haunt her for the rest of her life. However long that may be. 

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