The case of the missing prisoner

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It was nearly midnight and the night sky was picturesque. A black to navy gradient was the backdrop for a full moon; the night sky so clear you could see almost every crater. The moon, a glowing yellowy white, loomed large, surrounded by an earth real glow. Millions of stars were sprinkled behind it, stretching to infinity. The occasional barking of faraway dogs broke the silence of the night but, of course, it was difficult to hear that in a sound-proof padded cell. Which is exactly where a certain scientist was holed up.

Martin Brenner sat on his twin bed in the corner of the room. The mattress was thin, covered only by old sheets and a rough, scratchy blanket. The older man was quite sure there were cockroaches hidden somewhere in the bed so instead of sleeping he was trying to figure out an escape plan, which would be difficult. He was surrounded by four cement walls, all encased with soundproof cushion lining, so even if someone that went by was kind enough to let him out they would have to have super hearing to be able to hear him in the first place. But it seems Brenner was in luck today.

His eyes widened in shock when the iron bars in front of the exit lifted, revealing a steel door. The man stood to his feet, looking around the barren room for hidden cameras, as he heard the mechanical iron door slide open. Brenner slowly walked over to the doorway, swaying his head left and right to make sure there were no guards or inmates prowling around before he stepped into the hallway. The older man felt a chill run up his spine as he walked toward the stairs.

The lights were flickering on and off and the silence was deafening. He didn't get to bask in the quiet for long as he heard the soft patter of footsteps behind him. However, when Brenner whirled around the scientist was baffled to see no one there.

"Who's there?" he asked as he took a step forward, the only answer being his labored breathing. "I said, who's there?!"

In response to his question, something slimy suddenly wrapped around the scientist's ankle from behind. Brenner let out a grunt as he was yanked to the floor and dragged toward the stairs. The older man flailed his arms out helplessly, holding onto either side of the doorway as he heard a monstrous roar come from behind him. He didn't even have time to scream or pray or tighten his grip before his hand slipped and Brenner was gone.

Another flaying had been enacted.


Eleven Hopper slowly raised her hand to wipe off the blood from her nose before entering the Byers household. Behind her was Max, Lucas, Mike, and a very guilty Will. Gwen had been gone since her older brother had demolished their childhood fortress, which was about five hours ago. It was an understatement to say the Party was worried for their missing member. They'd been trying to radio the blond for the last hour and they even tried Dustin but got no answer from either of them.

"Gwen," Max called as she cupped her hands over her mouth. "Gwen, are you here?"

"Please come out," Lucas continued as he looked around for the girl. "We're sorry!"

"What's going on?" the oldest Byers suddenly appeared fom the kitchen doorway, followed by a skeptical looking Nancy.

"Where's Gwen?" she asked curiously as she peeked over their heads, trying to spot the missing blond. When she saw all the boys look to their feet with ashamed expressions her face morphed into one of a mother scolding their child. "Oh, what did you guys do now?" she crossed her arms in front of her chest.

"It was Will's fault!" Mike and Lucas pointed to the boy who's mouth dropped open at the accusation.

"My fault?!" he repeated incredulously. "If you hadn't upset her in the first place she never would've--"

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