The birth of a superhero or the rise of a killer?

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"Gwen!" Joyce yelled before running over to her daughter. As she did that, the 8-year-old subtly scanned her mom's face and body for injuries. Not seeing any, the girl felt a wave of relief wash over her. Gwen let out a gasp, slightly taken aback by the force in her mother's hug as her mom wrapped her a suffocating embrace. The blond waved her hands around, trying to get free, as her face was currently stuck in Joyce's armpit.

"Mom..." Gwen complained, her voice slightly muffled, Joyce still didn't let go, "you're suffocating me."

"The brain can go without oxygen for 30 seconds," Dustin spewed out a random fact, making Joyce tighten her hug. Gwen huffed when she heard the woman count down from thirty under her breath. If looks could kill, Dustin would be six feet under by now.

"3...2...1," Joyce finally pulled away from the hug, while her daughter gasped for air. When the 8-year-old's eyes landed on Hopper, safe and unharmed, a big smile overtook her features. She wasted no time stumbling over to the man. Unfortunately, due to her lightheadedness, when she tried to hug him she ended up tripping over her own feet which caused her overprotective mother to yell at her to be careful. Thankfully, Hopper caught her and she got a big bear hug in return.

The 8-year-old pulled back with a grin, only for her face to drop when she heard a low snarling sound coming from behind her. Gwen's heart plummeted to the pit of her stomch when she turned around to see several Demagorgon's stalking toward her mom, Dustin, and Steve. She gently pushed Hoppr to the side before putting two fingers in her mouth and letting out a shrill whistle.

Gwen froze when all the Demagorgon's heads snapped toward her. Well at least her plan worked... maybe a little too well. The blond slowly backed away as the beast's prowled towards her, vicious growls coming from their mouths. Meanwhile, her family was all watching the scene play out in horror. Joyce heaved a sob as Gwen got trapped in the corner, "Oh my gosh."

The woman dropped into a crouch, unable to keep herself upright, "Oh baby, please, please--"

Joyce got cut off by a scream, coming from her youngest daughter, as all the monsters leapt towards her. Gwen crossed her arms in a defensive position in front of her face as she squeezed her eyes shut, preparing for the worst. But the impact never came... for her that is. Steve. Dustin, Hopper, and Joyce were once again gobsmacked by the young girl when a bright light suddenly enveloped Gwen as the Demagorgon's jumped on her.

Before the monster's could even reach the Byers girl, they were obliterated into a pile of slime. Joyce let out a cry of relief when the glow faced to reveal her unharmed and very confused daughter. Gwen slowly lowered her arms, letting out a gasp when she saw a pair of silver cuffs on her wrist. Did she put those there?

"Oh thank god!" Joyce cried out, before rushing to her daughter.

Gwen put on a weak smile for her mother, still trying to figure out how she survived, as Joyce pulled her into a hug. The loving mother squeezed her like she wouls never let go and for once, Gwen didn't mind.

"I'm okay, mom," she said quietly as Joyce sobbed into her shoulder. She looked around at everyone else, who was staring at the pair, "is everyone else okay?"

"Y-yeah, we're good" Steve stuttered, his eyes wide as he continued to stare at the girl. Gwen nodded as Joyce pulled back from the hug just enough to cup her palms over her daughter's face, studying every inch.

"Baby, what happened?"

"I- uh- I don't know," Gwen responded, her voice barely audible, "once minute I was about to get devoured by Demo-dogs--"

Joyce interrupted by slapping her shoulder, making Gwen give her a bewieldered look. The 8-year-old wa slightly taken aback by how quickly her mom's facial expression changed from fear to rage. The Byers girl gawped at her mom as she shoved her back again. What on earth was she doing?

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