A Not-So-Happy Halloween

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On the morning of Halloween, Gwen Byers was sneaking out her window, again. Ever since the Byers girl came home last year, she would slip out during the night to go visit a certain supernatural 13-year-old. It's honestly impressive that she was able to duck right under her overprotective's moms nose to get out. Gwen pulled her toboggan down to cover her ears as she approached Hopper's cabin, knowing that he would lecture her about the cold if she didn't. She stood on her tippy toes to knock on the door.

Knock. Knock.


Knock. Knock. Knock.

The 8-year-old let out a scream when the door flew open to reveal a ghost. When the so-called phantom started laughing loudly, Gwen realized it was just El in a white sheet with holes for the eyes. The Byers girl let out a breath as she put a hand on her chest. When she realized that El was still laughing, the girl tried to keep a straight face but failed miserably. She let out a loud snort, causing El to erupt into a giggling fit. When the laughing died down a bit, Gwen finally voiced the question that was on her mind.

"El, why are you wearing a sheet?"

"Ghost," El responded, not clearing it up for Gwen at all.

"Yeah, I know it's a ghost, but why?"


And that was when Gwen realized what an idiot she truly was. It was Eleven's first Halloween costume. Of course! How did she not think of that?

"I love it," Gwen smiled as she gestured for the girl to twirl for her, causing them both to giggle as the sheet whirled around the former science experiment.

"Do you think Hopper will let me go?" El asked innocently, making Gwen sigh. The 8-year-old sat down on the couch and patted the seat next to her. Gwen smiled faintly as she felt El lean her head on her shoulder.

"I'm honestly not sure, El. I hope that he does. I know how much you hate being cooped up in here," Gwen paused before adding softly, "You do know he keeps you here for your safety right? We just wants to protect you, that's why we've had to keep you a secret."

"I know," El responded softly before interlocking hands with the girl.

"I love you, Gwen."

"I love you, too, El."


Gwen grunted in pain as she tumbled through her bedroom window and onto the floor. Her annoyance at the window sill soon turned into panic when she realized that her bedroom door was open. Will was staring wide-eyed at his sister who seemed to come out of nowhere. Gwen hurried over to him, pulling him inside before he could say anything. She shut the door as quietly as she could before facing her brother.

"Gwen, what are you doing? Why were you climbing through the window? Mom has been looking everywhere for you."

"Crap, she has?" Gwen ran a hand through her hair. "She normally isn't up until seven."

"She woke up early for work, and when you weren't in your bed, she freaked out," Will said, making Gwen's stomach twist with guilt. "Gwen, what's going on?"

"Nothing, Will. You don't need to worry. Everything's fine," Gwen put her hands on her brother's shoulders with a forced reassuring smile. Living two different lives was starting to get to the girl. The stress and the guilt were eating her alive.

Will sighed before advising, "You should go talk to her. She's in the living room."

Gwen nodded and squeezed his shoulder before going to apologize to her mom. When the 8-year-old spotted Joyce sitting on the couch with her head in her hands, she looked down at her hands in shame. The Byers girl took in a shaky breath before calling out to the woman.

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