Love, Gwen

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2 months later...

Joyce Byers could barely hold herself together as she packed up the last boxes in her daughter's bedroom. Ever since the youngest Byers death, no one had been the same, and her mother had definitely been hit the hardest. Sometimes Joyce would wake up and forget that Gwen was gone and then she'd remember when she went to her room and she wasn't there, so Hopper would have to comfort her while she broke down. The chief of police had been her rock during this time of trying to grieve her daughter's death. Always lending a shoulder to cry on, giving her the big reassuring hugs that made her feel better, and being a good listener when the woman needed to vent her feelings.

Today was the Byer's last day in Hawkins. They were moving to California for a fresh start, away from inter-dimensional monsters and dead relatives. It was mainly because Joyce couldn't stand being in Hawkins without Gwen. In fact, she couldn't seem to tolerate being anywhere without her daughter, but this was the next best alternative. The Hoppers were moving with them as well. Jim and Joyce have seemed to grow even closer after Gwen's death, learning how to cope with it together. And El could certainly use a new beginning after the death of someone she thought of as a sister.

The older woman furrowed her eyebrows when she pulled out a box from the very back of the closet. She'd never seen this before. There was a faded sharpie label on it that said 'memories' which caused Joyce to open up the box. Inside the frayed cardboard box were several pictures of Gwen and her loved ones, a video camera, and a few letters. Joyce felt tears well up in her eyes as she picked up one of the frames with shaky hands.

It was a family photo of the Byers, Joyce, Will, Johnathan, and Gwen. They were much younger and Joyce could tell by the baby fat that was still on Gwen's cheeks in the photo. They all looked so happy. This was taken before there were any Demagorgons or evil scientists or monsters coming after her family. Joyce didn't even realize she had started crying until a tear dropped from her face onto the picture frame.

She sniffed and wiped her eyes, hugging the photo to her chest before moving on the video camera. Joyce opened up the tape and went over to the TV before putting it in. She pressed play before sitting back against Gwen's bed, clutching the girl's stuffed bunny, Thumper, to her chest.

"Happy birthday to you," Joyce sang as Johnathan brought the video camera closer to her and her youngest child. "Happy birthday to you, Happy birthday dear Gwen. Happy birthday to you!"

"Yay!" Gwen clapped happily, causing her mother to laugh before kissing her cheek.

Gwen looked a lot younger in this video, maybe five years old. You could see Will standing behind Gwen, whispering something in her ear that made her giggle. She turned to her mom.

"Willy says your a bad singer, mommy!"

"What?!" Joyce put a hand over her heart, feigning hurt. "Will, how could you?"

"I thought I told you not to tell her that," Will exclaimed through clenched teeth.

"Gwen, do you think I'm a bad singer," Joyce asked the blond, causing the girl to look down and her mother to gape at her.

"Hmmm..." Gwen trailed off as she looked around for a distraction before her eyes landed on the cameraman. "I think that Johnny wants to say something."

"No, I don't!" the panic and amusement in the older boy's voice were obvious as he shot his little sister down. "Johnny does not want to say something."

"No Johnathan please I'd like to hear what you have to say," Joyce raised her eyebrows at her oldest son, causing him to squirm.

"Okay," Johnathan started, his voice high-pitched, "you might not be the best singer in the world...."

"You sound like a muppet!" Gwen cut in, causing her mother to give her an offended look.

"Hey!" Joyce exclaimed before starting to poke her daughter's sides, making the girl squirm.

"Stop it!" Gwen laughed as she and her mother fell to the floor. "It's my birthday, you should listen to me!" When Joyce kept on tickling her, the blond let out another laugh before exclaiming, "Stop! You're hurting me now!"

By Gwen's giggles, it didn't seem like she was hurt at all and Joyce kept poking her until the girl was able to wriggle out of her grasp. Gwen looked up at her mom with a pout as the older woman grinned down at her before leaning down and pecking her forehead. The now 5-year-old couldn't help but smile back before getting back in her chair where both of her brothers were smirking at her.


"You love your mom, don't you?" Johnathan teased as he put the camera closer to her face like it was an interrogation.

"Shut up," Gwen shoved him away before Joyce came up behind her, wrapping her arms around the girl tightly.

"Well I love you," Joyce kissed her temple, causing the blond to smile.

"I love you, too," Gwen responded before adding, "even if you do sound like miss piggy."


Joyce smiled tearfully as the video clicked off. She would do anything to go back to that moment. To squeeze her daughter so tightly she couldn't breathe, because one thing was for certain if Joyce were to ever see Gwen again she would never ever let go of her. After her daughter breathed her last breath, Hopper had to literally pry Joyce off of the blond so that the paremedics could take her away.

Instead of having a normal funeral for Gwen, all of the girl's friends and family gathered together in front of her favorite place, the skatepark, and sent up balloons in her honor. It was a bittersweet moment and it seemed hardest for Max as that was where she had met the youngest Byers, her first real friend in Hawkins. Joyce cried like a baby the whole time. The loving mother shook her head, trying to clear her thoughts before a folded piece of pink paper sticking out of Gwen's box caught her eye. Her breathing hitched in when she saw that it was addressed to her, from her daughter. She slowly opened up the letter, tears streaming down her face as she read its contents.

May 1986

Dear mom,

There's something I've been wanting to talk to you about. I know this is an awkward conversation, believe me, I know, but this needs to be said because I care about you and Hopper very much. In the wise wise words of El, "Stop being stupid!" I'm sorry mom but you and Hopper belong together. Literally, anyone can see it by the way he looks at you. That is why it's important that we need to set some boundaries moving forward so that you can feel comfortable sharing your feelings in a safe environment. Because you two really need to work on that.

Feelings. Yikes. The truth is, for so long I've been pushing down my pain that sometimes I forget that I have to feel to heal. Sometimes it's hard, it's really really hard to let go and move forward. But I have someone to help pull those emotions out of me even if I don't want to and that is you, mom. You always have been and you always will be my best friend and my mom, all in one super awesome person.

I know that Lonnie the loser did a number on you. Being with him took a piece of you mom. Being with someone like that, someone so selfish and abusive leaves a mark. I know you, mom. I know you better than just about anyone. You're scared, terrified even, to love again. You hide behind the excuses of not wanting your kids to get attached or not having enough time and maybe that's true but it shouldn't stop you. Lonnie tried to take your pride and your strength, but someone very wise once told me that those things cannot be taken from you. Not ever. Use that strength inside of you and find your happy ending.

Love, Gwen

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