Web of lies

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When Gwen woke up for the second time, instead of being strapped to a chair, she was strapped to a metal table. Wow, what an upgrade. As her eyes scanned the room, she saw that it was even more bland and boring than the last. White walls, white doors, white chairs, white tables, all white. Even the guy standing in the corner of the room had white hair. Are these scientists colorblind or something?

"You know," Gwen started, catching Brenner's attention, as her eyes flitted down to the bands tied around her wrists, "I'm not too keen on how I keep waking up here. First, it was being tied to a chair, then a table, what's next? A railroad track? Or are you saving that for next time?"

"Well my dearest Gwen, I hate to break it to you, but you aren't the one in charge here." Brenner started as he walked over to the girl and stood above her, towering over the 8-year-old with a cunning smile, "I am."

Before Gwen could respond, the scientist pulled out a piece of parchment. "This is a contract that states that you agree to be my test subject for as long as I need you. In exchange, your friends Barbera and Eleven will be set free."

"And what if I refuse to sign?" Gwen questioned, getting a sudden burst of confidence. "What if I decided to get Barb and El on my own and live my life in peace?"

"Oh my dearest Gwen," Brenner chuckled as he grasped the girl's chin, "then I would have to revert to using more extreme measures for your cooperation."

"And what would those be?"

"Well," he clicked his tongue as he started to pace around the table, Gwen's eyes following his every move, "I would have to kill Barb and my daughter Eleven, which would be a shame, truly." Gwen's jaw clenched at the obvious lack of affection he had for his daughter, it was like he was talking about a piece of furniture. "Oh, and I would have to dispose of Hopper as well since he's Eleven's caretaker and all," She opened her mouth to ask how he knew that only for him to hold up his hand, effectively silencing her. "Oh yes, I've known about that arrangement for some time. As I've told you before, my dearest Gwen, I know everything. And if you can't stand up to those little girls at the skatepark then you have no chance against me," he taunted as he turned to the 8-year-old and grinned deviously at her.

"So now you're comparing yourself to a little girl?" Gwen shot back, trying to push Brenner's buttons.

"I know what you're doing," Brenner shook his head as he smiled at the girl. "You're stalling for time, hoping that someone will magically burst in and save you. But you are the one that saves them, remember? No one is going to swoop in and rescue you," he held up the contract again. "There are only two options. One, deny my deal, and everyone you love dies. Two, accept my deal and your friends and family are free."

"My mom says there's always a third option."

"Ah," Brenner pointed at her as an idea popped into his head. "Yes, your mom. You see Gwen, I just left your mom locked in a cell so I don't think she's feeling very optimistic right now. Joyce Byers is now at my mercy, or more specifically your mercy."

"How on earth is she at my mercy?" Gwen asked, bewildered.

"Because if you don't take my deal, I will kill your mother," Gwen froze at his statement, her hands clenching and her knuckles turning white as he continued, "and it'll be all your fault."

The Byers girl watched as Brenner took out a walkie-talkie and pressed the PTT(push-to-talk) button. "Hello, yes, this is Dr. Brenner. I need someone to go to room 202 and take Ms. Byers to the electrocution chair--"

"Okay, okay!" Gwen cut him off, causing the man to grin. "I'll do it. I'll sign. Just call it off, please."

"I'll call it off," Brenner said as he unstrapped one of the girl's wrists, "after you sign."

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