The Creel House

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"My girl is gone, Hopper!" Joyce shouted for probably the tenth time that day as the couple trekked through the forest, trying to find any sign of life. "S-she fell out of the plane, she could be anywhere-"

"Joyce," Hopper cut her off as he spun around and grasped her shoulders, he had a despairing look in his eyes that made her blood stop cold. "Joyce," he rubbed her arm, seemingly struggling to get the words out, "she fell out of the plane from a very high altitude-"


"And even if she did somehow survive the fall, she crashed straight into freezing cold water that could kill you in less than thirty seconds by hypothermia-"

"Hopper, no! Stop it!"

"There's no way that she's alive, Joyce," the chief of police shook his head sadly, watching as his girlfriend's eyes hardened in determination.

"She's strong," Joyce's voice was steady as she spoke, the normal stutter was gone as she tried to prove her point. "She survived Kamchatka-"

"Yes, the prison camp," Hopper sighed exasperatedly as he rubbed his face before continuing, just as stubborn as the Byers woman, "that worked her to death and starved her. She could barely keep her eyes open on the plane Joyce how can you expect her to be able to save herself from drowning?"

"You can throw all of the logic and reasoning that you want at me Jim," Joyce stated angrily, using his first name for the first time in a long time as she pushed past him and started up the hill, "but I know that she's out there." She turned around abruptly and wagged her finger in front of the headstrong man's face. "And I will not stop looking until I have my girl in my arms again."


"Look," Joyce smiled as she spotted a familiar sign on the road, tugging Hopper behind her as she hurried over to it, "we're in Hawkins." And then she realized what she just said. "NO! We're in Hawkins!"

"Of course we are," Hopper chuckled dryly, "this town can't catch a break."

"Gwen is definitely here," Joyce nodded as she looked up at the man. "I can feel it, we just have to find her."

"Oh, that's all?" He questioned sarcastically, causing the feisty woman to slap his shoulder harshly.

"Jim, we need to talk," a bearded guy pulled up next to the couple, making Hopper groan and rub his face.

"Not now, Murray."

"Oh no, I think you want to hear this," Murray argued back.

"Get away from me-"

"Let's just hear him out Hopper," Joyce defended the man before whispering so only he could hear, "maybe he can help us find Gwen."

"You've got five minutes," Hopper crossed his arms and looked at the man with a stern expression.

"I talked to an old Hawkins Laboratory employee," Murray started, causing Joyce and Hopper to exchange a knowing glance, "he said that there was a little Russian girl with psychic abilities and that's what shut the place down."


"Now I know how this sounds but hear me out," he held his hands up, persistent as ever, "then just a few days ago I turn on the news and there is a war in Kamchatka prison camp regarding the holding of a secret weapon." He glanced between Joyce and Hopper. "That can't be a coincidence right?!"

"Do you know the story of the fat bearded man that climbs down chimneys? That can't be a coincidence either-"

"This little girl, she's some kind of Russian weapon right?" Murray kept going, now mainly talking to Joyce who was devouring every word he spoke. "The Russian spies, they find her and take her, they use her powers as leverage against other countries. Don't you get it?"

"Get what?"

"This has potentially international implications. I'm talking a full-on Russian invasion right here in Hawkins," the bald man's voice rises with every word he spoke.

"Do you have any proof of this girl?" Hopper asked, still not convinced as he waved a hand in the air. "Has anyone seen her recently?"

"Actually, yes," Murray nodded, casing Joyce to nearly jump him as she got right in his face, clearly wanting answers.

"Where. Is. She," Joyce spoke slowly, her hand clutching the collar of Murray's sweater as she glared at him.

"T-there have been sightings of an emaciated girl, looks to be around seven, with a short hair. She was hanging around with those D&D kids. Dustin, Eddie, and Lucas, I think. And there have been a lot of paranormal things going on here, especially around the Creel House," he stuttered out, clearly terrified by the tiny woman who had suddenly turned into the bad cop.

"What kind of paranormal things?" Hopper questioned as he leaned toward the man, a single eyebrow quirked in curiosity.

"A string of high school students were killed in a series of ritualistic murders, which have been linked to a local satanic cult, known as "Hellfire." Eddie Munson who is the leader of this cult and the prime suspect in the murders was one of the people spotted with this girl. And Dustin and Lucas are in the group, too! It's all connected! That little girl is going to destroy Hawkins!"

"Don't you dare say that-" Joyce lunged at him, intent on defending her daughter's honor, only to be pulled back by Hopper.

"Thank you for the information, Murray," the chief of police nodded at him before pulling the wrathful woman away.

"Where are we going?" Joyce asked as she was tugged down the road by Hopper.

"The Creel House."

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