Adult chaperone?

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"No way," Hopper shook his head at the kids, from where he sat behind his desk in the police station. "Absolutely not."

"Oh come on Hopper," Gwen started pulling out the puppy dog eyes, knowing it was his weakness. "We just want you to –"

"You just want me to step up and be your adult chaperone down to the dangerous, subterranean tunnels lying underneath Hawkins," Dustin and Gwen exchanged a glance as he continued. "Your mom will kill me. As in actually bury me underground."

Gwen huffed and crossed her arms before speaking, "Oh, you have no idea. Did you know she tried to lock me in my room after she found out what I was planning? Obviously, she didn't think it through too well since we have a one-story house. She's probably filling out my application for Pennyhurst mental hospital as we speak."

Hopper opened his mouth to redirect the girl only for an uncomfortable-looking Dustin to cut him off. "Back to the subject at hand, we need your help, Hopper." The officer opened his mouth to speak only for the 13-year-old to cut him off again, making Jim glare at the boy. "Didn't you take an oath to protect and serve the citizens of Hawkins?" Dustin continued, causing his accomplice to point at him with a 'what he said' expression on her face.

"And take care of the children," Gwen added, making Dustin mimic her previous actions. "Well, Hopper here we are. Helpless children in need of a protector. Who better to protect us than the chief of police?" Hopper sighed in exasperation as he rubbed his face, annoyed by the kid's relentlessness. He got up and walked over to them, putting a hand on each of their shoulders, and making them look up at him.

"You both are right," Hopper started, causing a smile to appear on the kids' faces. Those grins fall at the man's next statement. "You are helpless children."

"That's what you got from this?!" Dustin shouted angrily, "You know what? Let's just go, Gwen. We can do this ourselves."

Gwen nodded at Dustin as she clapped his shoulder, both their faces scrunched up in determination as they started to leave Hopper's office. They were stopped by a resounding click. And that's when the kids realized Hopper handcuffed them to a desk. The duo looked up at the smirking police officer, who was putting on his fedora, both their faces showing how shocked they were.

"What the heck, Hopper?!" Dustin yelled as he held up his handcuffed hand.

"This is insane!" Gwen glared at the man. "When I told you that my mom locked me up it wasn't meant to be used as an example!"

Dustin furrowed his eyebrows when he realized Hopper was leaving. "Wait, where are you going?"

"I'm going to check out these tunnels you keep talking about," Hopper started, enjoying the kids enraged expressions as he finished, "because I serve and protect the helpless children." Hopper gave the kids an antagonizing wave and then left them alone.

"Are you seriously just going to leave us here?" Dustin shouted after the man, receiving the sound of the front door slamming shut in response. He threw his uncuffed hand in the air before turning to his friend. "Have any more bright ideas?

"Actually yes," Gwen stated confidently as she used her uncuffed hand to pull a bobby pin out of her hair.

"You're doing your hair at a time like this?!"

"Just give me a minute!" Dustin looked at the girl in awe as she picked the lock in less than three seconds.

"H-how did you do that?" the star-struck boy stuttered as Gwen started looking through Hopper's drawer for supplies.

"There are not many things my deadbeat dad taught me, but one thing he did teach me was how to beautifully pick a lock."


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