Spread Your Wings

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Clarrei stared in horror at the Pale Orc. How could he be alive? Thorin said he had died of his wounds long ago! The Orc raised his head and smelled the air. He then spoke in his guttural language. Clarrei couldn't tell what he was saying, she could only make out two names: "Thorin" and "Thrain". She supposed it was insulting, judging by the way the other members of the Orc pack laughed. Wondering how he was handling it, Clarrei looked to Thorin on her right. The prince's face was as pale as parchment, his fists clenched around the branches of the tree so tightly his knuckles turned white. He was scared, Clarrei realised. Scared and angry. This was the creature that had killed his grandfather. The creature who had taken Moria from the dwarves of Erebor. She laid a hand on his shoulder, which went unnoticed. With a loud battle-cry, Azog sent his troops forward, the riderless Wargs, who began to hurl themselves at the bases of the trees the Company were perched in. They began to shake, and Clarrei began to feel ill. To her astonishment, a small flame shot past her head. Was that a flaming pinecone? It hit one of their attackers on the nose, and said Warg promptly retreated, rubbing its nose in pain. Seized by the same daring as Gandalf, Clarrei grabbed some more pinecones and set her hands on fire, before firing the little onslaught. Eventually, she was just firing flames. Finally, after what seems an eternity, the Wargs retreated, and great cheers rose from the dwarves, which were soon replaced by cries of panic as the trees began to fall. Heart pounding, Clarrei leapt with the others to the next tree, and then to the next one as they fell, one by one, until the last tree fell and hung precariously over the edge of the cliff. As the impact of the fall shuddered up the trunk, Clarrei slipped and hung, her arms clinging around the branch for dear life.
"Thorin!" She shrieked, her legs kicking in the oblivion below her. But no strong hand came to save her, no familiar blue eyes peered over at her. Pulling herself up onto the branch, she saw, to her absolute horror, that Thorin was striding along the tree trunk towards the Pale Orc.


Everything had faded away around him. All Thorin was aware of was himself, and the Pale Orc in front of him. A small voice in his mind told him this was pointless, he was going to die if he kept this up, but he didn't listen. This was for his grandfather, his father, all those who had lost their lives in the battle for Moria. For his brother, his sister, and his sister's lost husband. Raising his sword, Thorin broke into a run, roaring a fearsome battle-cry. With a grin, the cursed Orc leant over the back of his Warg and urged it forward. He swung his mace and it connected with Thorin's face painfully. A cry of "No!" came from behind him, but Thorin fought to his feet as another blow from the mace brought him down. No, he couldn't die yet, he couldn't! He had to reclaim the Mountain, he had to wreak revenge on Azog, he had to-
All thoughts left his mind except pain as the White Warg picked him up in its mouth and proceeded to make him it's next meal. He yelled in pain, hitting the flat of his sword against the Warg's nose, causing it to throw him to the side, onto a very painful rock. He could feel himself slipping into unconsciousness, and his only regret was that he couldn't see Clarrei again. Clarrei. His One. His dragon. His angel. He wished he had been able to tell her he loved her.
"I love you, Clarrei." He whispered. "I love you. I love..."
His voice trailed off as his blue eyes fluttered shut.


The world was crashing around Clarrei's ears as she ran to where Thorin lay. Collapsing by his head, she started to shake him.
"Thorin? Thorin, wake up! Wake up right now, please!"
She was shaking, warm, wet tears dripping from her eyelashes. Burying her face in her hands, Clarrei started to sob. She couldn't lose him, he couldn't die, not now. Not when she knew how much he meant to her. Struggling to her feet, Clarrei began to run her hands through her hair as a scream of pain tore itself from her throat.
"THORIN!" She screamed his name to the starry sky. She raked at her hair, feeling her heart constrict. The Dragon's Pain. That was what happened when a dragon lost her love. She could feel an intense pain in her chest, her tears burned down her face, leaving deep scars.
Clarrei turned at that voice. Azog was speaking in Westron.
"You weep over him?" He gestured to Thorin's lifeless form. "He was nothing. Like you."
Choking back sobs of pain, Clarrei turned to face the Orc.
"He was not nothing." She spat. "He was the bravest man I ever knew. The greatest man I have ever had the honour to know. He was my One, my love." She turned to look at Thorin's handsome face, now so still in the firelight. Turning back, she let her voice fill with hate.
"And I am not nothing. I am Clarrei, Daughter of Smaug, the Princess of Flames. I AM THE DRAGON'S DAUGHTER!" She bellowed, her arms blanketed in fire. That fire spread over her body, covering her from head to foot. The pain in her heart seemed to give her strength in that moment, and Clarrei began to grow. Her muscles grew and thickened, scales raced over her skin, great wings burst from her back, a golden frill spread down her back, and her teeth turned to fangs. As the flames vanished, her clawed feet pressed heavily into the earth. Her eyes shifted to gold, and she looked at herself. Her body was covered in glorious red scales, her underbelly, wing membrane and frill bright gold. Clarrei ran a long tongue across her sharp fangs and grinned. What she could do with these wicked things! Taking a deep breath, Clarrei breathed a humongous cloud of flame, coating her enemies with the burning fire. They screamed and ran, and the dwarves who had almost joined the fray stood to the side, their eyes wide with horror and amazement. As the loud cry of Eagles reached her dragon ears, Clarrei turned to look at Thorin, scooped him up in her claws, spread her new wings, and, for the first time in sixty years, took flight into the night sky.

Well, my lovelies! It seems I finished earlier than I thought! That's what happens when you stay on wattpad for like 4 hours a night...where is my life? Anyway, tell me what you think about Clarrei's transformation! Really wanted to get her devastation at Thorin in there, so I hope you like it! Next update probably will be in June, my exams start this week!! This chapter is dedicated to ELatimer , who is an amazing writer. Love your Frost series, it's amazing!! Enjoy, my fellow hobbits, and I'll see you soon!

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